[下载]劳动经济学手册 第3c卷 Handbook of Labor Economics VOL3c, PDF, 英文原版.
Handbook of Labor Economics Volume 3C
Edited by
O. Ashenfelter
D. Card, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
Included in series
Handbooks in Economics,
Modern labor economics has continued to grow and develop since the first volumes of this Handbook were published. The subject matter of labor economics continues to have at its core an attempt to systematically find empirical analyses that are consistent with a systematic and parsimonious theoretical understanding of the diverse phenomenon that make up the labor market. As before, many of these analyses are provocative and controversial because they are so directly relevant to both public policy and private decision making. In many ways the modern development in the field of labor economics continues to set the standards for the best work in applied economics.
These volumes of the Handbook have a notable representation of authors - and topics of importance - from throughout the world.
Part 12: Labor Markets and the Macroeconomy.
44. Labor markets and economic growth (R. Topel). 45. Microeconomic perspectives on aggregate labor markets (G. Bertola). 46. Labor market institutions and economic performance (S. Nickell, R. Layard). 47. The causes and consequences of long-term unemployment in Europe (S. Machin, A. Manning).
Part 13: Policy Issues in the Labor Market.
48. Race and gender in the labor market (J. Altonji, R. Blank). 49. New developments in the economic analysis of retirement (R.L. Lumsdaine, O.S. Mitchell). 50. Health, health insurance and the labor market (J. Currie, B.C. Madrian). 51. Economic analysis of transfer programs targeted on people with disabilities (J. Bound, R.V. Burkhauser). 52. The economics of crime (R.B. Freeman). 53. Recent developments in public sector markets (R.G. Gregory, J. Borland).
Bibliographic & ordering Information
Hardbound, 796 pages, publication date: NOV-1999
ISBN: 0-444-50189-4