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发布时间:2014-09-26 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 1 第三方物流业概述.....................................2 1.1第三方物流的内涵及特征...............................2 1.2 第三方物流业兴起的动因.............................3 1.3 第三方物流的经济价值................................3 2 江西省第三方物流业的发展状况及存在的问题.............4 2.1 江西省第三方物流业的发展现状........................5 2.2江西省第三方物流业发展中存在的问题及制约因素.........6 3 江西省第三方物流业发展趋势及对策.....................8 3.1 江西省第三方物流业发展的必然趋势....................8 3.2 欧洲发达地区第三方物流业发展的经验借鉴..............9 3.3 江西省第三方物流业的发展对策........................10 参考文献................................................12 致 谢.................................................13 摘 要 第三方物流在欧美等发达国家已经是一个较为成熟的行业,这些年在我国越来越受到重视,也得到了长足的发展,但是离国外的先进水平仍有很大的差距。江西省作为我国一个内陆城市,在发展第三方物流业的过程中也遇到了许多机遇和挑战。本文概述了第三方物流的特点、兴起的动因及其经济价值,通过对江西省第三方物流市场及企业两方面的现状分析,找出了江西省在第三方物流业发展中存在的一些问题及制约因素,比如使用比例偏低、服务范围狭窄等,并在此基础上,结合实际情况,探讨了江西省第三方物流业未来的发展趋势,最后在借鉴发达国家和地区第三方物流业发展的先进经验的基础上,提出了江西省第三方物流业的发展对策。 【关键词】 江西省 第三方物流 问题与对策 Abstract Third party logistics is a comparatively developed industry in developed countries such as America, Europe, etc. It is being paid more attention and gets great progress in our country these years, but there is still a big gap from advanced countries. As an inland city of our country, Jiangxi Province faces lots of opportunities and challenges in the development of Third party logistics. This text has summed up the characteristics, the reasons of the rise and economic worth of third party logistics. And through the current situation analysis of logistics markets and enterprises of third party in Jiangxi Province, we have found out some problems and restriction factors in the development of third party logistics industry in Jiangxi Province, such as low proportion of adoption and small scope of services. On this basis, combining the actual conditions, the thesis has probed into the logistics future development trend of third party in Jiangxi Province. Finally, based on the analysis of the advanced experience of third party's logistics development of developed countries, the article have proposed countermeasures for the development of Third party logistics of Jiangxi Province. 【Key Words】 Jiangxi Province Third party logistics Problems and measures
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