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发布时间:2014-09-27 来源:人大经济论坛
目录 摘要I ABSTRACTII 第1章 引言1 1.1 背景1 1.2 研究内容2 第2章 系统硬件的构成4 2.1 系统的硬件构成4 2.2单片机主控模块4 2.3实时时钟模块7 2.4 温度传感器模块10 2.5 闹铃模块11 2.6 键盘模块11 2.7 液晶显示模块11 2.8 总的硬件电路如下图15 第3章 系统软件设计16 3.1 系统软件设计总流程16 3.2 DS1307 软件程序设计17 3.3 DS18B20软件程序设计18 3.4 液晶显示模块软件设计21 第4章 结束语23 致谢24 附录 源代码26 摘要 在当今竞争激烈的社会中,信息的竞争占据着十分重要的地位,而时间成为取胜的关键,所以,有时间观念的人才能在竞争中取得胜利,因此,看时间也就成为人们时刻要做的事。在很早时期人们所用的还是比较单一的功能手表,这种手表只能看时间而不能看日期,又不具备闹铃等功能,而且看起来也不够直观,给一些小孩和老人带来了不便,随着科技的发展,电子技术也在不断的向前飞速发展,针对钟表这一问题,本文设计了一款智能电子钟,这款电子钟具有显示年月日,时分秒信息,还能显示温度。它主要以AT89S52为控制核心,DS1307作为时钟芯片,DS18B20作为温度传感器,LCD显示,具有高度智能化和集成化,符合现代人们办公、生活、学习的好帮手,相信必将成为大众化产品,越来越受社会各界人士的欢迎。 关键词:智能电子钟;实时;温度测量;液晶显示;串行通信 ABSTRACT Nowadays,our society is filled with competition while competition of information play an important role in it.people say that competition of this age is just competition of information,so one has the concept of time will win,every time and everywhere we need to know the time.Long ago,people just used a watch to know the time with which you can not know the date,besides it did not has the alarm function and it is not convenient for The old people and children.With the development of science and technology,electric technology develops fast,according to the problem of the old watch,the author designs a new intelligence electric clock .It use AT89S52 as core of control,DS1307 as clock chip,DS18B20 for temperature sensor and display with LCD,so it has advantages of intelligent Integration and fit for our work,life and study,you can believe that it will be popular. Keywords:intelligence electric clock,real-time,temperature measurement,LCD,serial communication
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