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发布时间:2014-09-27 来源:人大经济论坛
目录 摘要I ABSTRACTII 第1章 引言1 1.1 背景1 1.2 研究内容4 第2章 WLAN的基本原理5 2.1 WLAN的定义5 2.2WLAN的特点5 2.3WLAN的技术标准5 2.3.1 802.11b物理层相关技术5 2.3.2 802.11g物理层相关技术6 2.3.3信道频率的划分6 2.4 WLAN与Wi-Fi的区别6 2.5 WLAN 的组网方式7 2.6 WLAN的应用方式7 2.6.1无线网桥7 2.6.2无线覆盖7 第3章 WLAN室内信号覆盖组成9 3.1 室内覆盖的定义9 3.2 天馈系统分布9 3.2.1 天馈系统的定义9 3.2.2 天馈系统的组成9 3.2.3其它无源器件介绍10 3.3 AP相关11 3.3.1 AP的定义11 3.3.2 AP与无线路由器的区别12 3.3.3AP的工作频段12 3.3.4AP的组网方式12 3.3.5 AP的安装要求14 3.3.6 AP的数据配置15 第4章 WLAN室内信号分布方案设计19 4.1天馈走线规范与安装要求19 4.2天线口功率20 4.2.1 天线功率设置的要求与意义20 4.2.2 功率调整的方法21 4.3方案设计22 第5章 结束语27 致 谢28 参考文献29 附录1 勘查表30 摘要 无线局域网WLAN,顾名思义是一种借助无线技术取代以往有线布线方式构成局域网的新手段,可提供传统有线局域网的所有功能。它是计算机网络与无线通信技术相结合的产物,系统用无线接人的一个子集.但原则上与蓝牙有类似性.覆盖无线个人域(WPAN)范畴,与蓝牙相比,它能支持较高传输速率(2~54Mbit/s,甚至更高),利用射频无线电或红外线,实现固定、半移动网络终端对Intemet网络进行较远距离的高速连接访问。因此,原则上它与速率较低的蓝牙技术有不同市场定位,相互支持补充,构成一种完整有效的WLAN无线接入。无线网络在远程接入,移动接入和临时接入中都拥有无与伦比的巨大优势,随着无线网络设备价格的平民化,无线网络的实际应用也就越来越多。 本文介绍了如何构建WLAN室内信号分布系统以及需要使用的相关软件及器件。AutoCAD用于绘制需覆盖区域的平面图,Visio用于绘制该点的系统图,这样的设计才完整、立体,两图缺一不可。需用的器件主要有AP、交换机等有源设备以及由馈线、天线、功分器、耦合器等无源器件组成的天馈系统。 关键词:WLAN,天馈系统,AP,室内分布系统 ABSTRACT Wireless LAN,As the name suggests is a wireless technology replaces the use of cable wiring methods constitute a new means of LAN that can Provides all the features of the traditional wired LAN. It is the computer network and wireless communication technology product of the combination,system with a subset of access. In principle, there are similarities with the Bluetooth. Compared with the Bluetooth, It can support a higher transmission rate(2~54Mbit/s Or more). Use radio frequency radio or infrared achieve a fixed, semi-mobile network terminal on the Intemet network high-speed connection to access more remote. Therefore, in principle, with lower rates of Bluetooth technology has different market positioning, complement and support each other to form a complete and effective WLAN Wireless Access. Wireless network in remote access mobile access and temporary access in all the great advantages of unmatched, With the wireless network equipment prices for common people, the practical application of the wireless network also more and more. This article describes how to build a WLAN indoor signal distribution systems and the need to use the related software and device. AutoCAD for mapping coverage of the plan required, Visio for drawing the point system plan, This design was complete, three-dimensional, two plans are essential. There are devices for use by AP, switches and other active equipment as well as by the line, antenna, power divider, coupler composed of passive components such as antenna and feeding system. Keywords: WLAN, system of Antenna, AP,. Indoor Distribution system
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