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发布时间:2014-05-28 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 目 录1 摘 要2 ABSTRACT3 引言4 一.中国钢铁上市公司产业结构现状6 1.1市场集中度低6 1.2无力主导原料铁矿石市场的采购价格7 1.3无力主导钢铁的产量和价格7 1.4产品结构不合理、差异小7 二.中国钢铁上市公司重组现状8 三.中国钢铁上市公司现今的重组模式与绩效10 3.1重组模式10 3.2绩效状况12 四.当今钢铁上市公司重组面临的问题14 五.寻求企业未来发展之路15 5.1发挥政府的作用,正确处理地方与政府的关系16 5.2依靠市场机制进行调控17 5.3注重地理位置的优势18 5.4注重自身发展和外部环境的变化19 5.5注重获得资源的重要性20 结束语:20 参考文献21 致 谢22 摘 要 钢铁产业是一个典型的资本密集型产业。通常资本密集型产业都存在着资金壁垒和技术壁垒,需要厂商拥有较强的资金实力和技术实力。面对上述的要求,显然寡头垄断是一个比较适合的市场结构。在寡头垄断市场上,少数巨头厂商有很强的市场驾驭能力,能对市场施加控制性的影响,通过控制产量来确保目标价格和垄断利润,规模效应明显,可在较大的范围内配置资源;对下游的购买者和上游原料供应商有相当的影响力;能够针对不同需求者提供不同的产品,以应对竞争。这是理想的经验模式,在目前的发展形势下,我国的钢铁业存在很多问题,比如说,市场集中度仍然较低,原材料缺乏,需要大量进口,同时无力主导钢铁的产量和价格,等等。 为加快我国钢铁业的发展,在国家钢铁产业政策的指引下,我国钢铁产业正进入重组并购期。钢铁企业应当选择何种稳健的重组路径?企业做大之后,如何做优做强?在重组之后,又如何避免貌合神离,尽快走向水乳交融?这些都是当前我国钢铁产业重组过程中亟待解决的一道难题。由于钢铁行业供大于求的深层次矛盾不断显现,各钢铁企业已更加谨慎的对待产能扩张和结构调整,国内各大钢厂的重组联合方式各异,其成效也各有千秋。 本文结合当前钢铁产业的实际情况,分析研究我国上市钢铁产业的发展状况,尤其是重组之后的发展状况,分析其重组战略,研究其未来的发展路径。 关键词:产业结构 重组模式 未来发展趋势 ABSTRACT Steel industry is a typical capital intensive industry. Usually there is a financial and technical barriers in these industries, these companies need to have strong financial strength and technological power. Faced with the above requirements, it is obviously that a monopoly company is a more appropriate market structure. In a monopoly market, a few giant companies have a strong ability to control the market, and they can able to control the impact on the market by controlling production to ensure that the target price and monopoly profits. And the scale effect is obviously, the allocation of resources may be wilder. For the downstream and upstream, the purchasers and the suppliers of raw materials may have considerable influence; they can able to provide with different needs or different products to meet the fierce competition. This is the ideal mode of experience in the development of the current situation, China's steel industry has many problems, for instance, the concentration is still low, the lack of raw materials, the order of substantial imports, while we are unable to leading iron and steel output and prices, etc. To speed up the development of China's steel industry, the steel industry policy under the guidance of the national steel industry is entering the reorganization period. Steel enterprises should be prudent in the choice of the reorganization path. After the reorganization, they become bigger enterprises, how to avoid some difficulty, we must as soon as possible to become harmony. These are the urgent problems to solve in the current course of reorganization of China's steel industry. The steel industry due to the deep-seated contradictions have continued to appear over supply, the steel enterprises have been more cautious in the treatment of capacity expansion and restructuring, the major domestic reorganization uses different ways, and also get great deal of diversity among its effectiveness. In this paper, the current combination in the steel industry depend on actual situation, after the reorganization of the development, we should study its future development path. Key words: industrial structure; mode of restructuring; future development
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