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发布时间:2014-09-27 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 公司背景情况介绍 1 1.2 本文研究的目的及意义 1 1.3 本文研究的思路 2 2 培训的内涵、重要性及国内外培训现状 3 2.1 培训的内涵 3 2.2 企业员工培训的作用及其重要性 3 2.2.1 员工培训的作用 3 2.2.2 员工培训的重要性 4 2.3 培训的发展趋势 4 2.4 国内外员工培训现状 . 5 3 方维公司的培训现状及存在的问题 6 3.1 方维公司的培训现状 6 3.2 公司员工培训中存在的问题 6 3.2.1 培训计划执行不力 6 3.2.2 对工人培训不重视 7 3.2.3 缺乏责任心方面的培训 7 3.2.4 管理人员培训难题 7 3.2.5 销售人员培训无法顺利实施 7 3.2.6 技术人员培训面临的问题 8 3.2.7 分散进厂员工无法及时开展培训 8 4 方维公司员工培训的改进与完善 9 4.1 培训工作的改进措施 9 4.1.1 按培训计划认真开展培训工作 9 4.1.2 充分认识培训的重要性 9 4.1.3 注重培训内容的创新和拓展 9 4.1.4 鼓励员工自行培训 10 4.1.5 灵活使用多种培训方法 10 4.1.6 因材施教 10 4.1.7 做好传帮带工作 10 4.2 进一步完善公司人才培训体制的建议 11 4.2.1 做好岗前培训与在职培训工作 11 4.2.2 进一步完善相应的培训管理制度 12 4.2.3 设计合理的培训课程 13 4.2.4 推行员工职业生涯规划 14 4.2.5 制定培训后人才资源管理政策 15 结论 16 致谢 17 参考文献 18 摘 要 在当今经济全球化、市场竞争化的环境中,求生存、谋发展的企业需要速度以及灵活性,要不断满足顾客在产品或服务质量、品种、专门控制等方面日益增长的需求,就要有一支不断接受新知识与技能培训的员工队伍,他们能够分析、解决问题,卓有成效的在团队中工作,机动灵活适应市场需要和技术发展。知识经济时代的到来,伴随着人力资本投资时代的来临,培训工作作为人力资本投资的重要形式,必将在企业发展和人才个人发展之上占据日益重要的地位,任何企业的经营管理者都不可以不重视员工的学习培训。 鉴于方维公司目前的发展状况,及员工队伍状况,本文介绍了培训的一些相关知识,并重点分析了公司目前员工培训中存在和面临的问题,提出了一些改进和完善的措施,希望方维公司在今后的发展中能够重视员工培训工作,顺利执行培训计划,真正把培训工作落到实处,从而获得一支高素质的员工队伍,使公司能够在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。 关键词:企业,方维公司,员工培训 Talk about the Staff Training of Fang Wei Corporation Abstract In the economical globalization and the market competition environment, the development enterprise need velocity as well as the flexibility for the survival and development. If the enterprise want to satisfy the customer’s increasing demands in the quality of product or service, the variety, special controls and so on ,there must be have one staff that can accept the new knowledge and the skill training unceasingly. They can analyze, solve the problem, work fruitfully in the team, and meet the market and technology requirement flexibly. Follows human capital investment times coming and the knowledge economy time arrives, the training work as the important form of human capital investment, will certainly occupies the important position in the enterprise development and the talented person individual development day by day. All enterprise's manager should keep eyes on staff's study training. According to the present development condition and the staff condition of FangWei Corporation ,this paper introduced some correlation knowledge of training, analyzed the problem which existed in the company’s present staff trains, and put forward some improvements and the countermeasures, wished FangWei Corporation can keep eyes on staff's trainning in the next development ,and carry out the training plan smoothly. FangWei corporation should make the training work indeedly, thus it can obtain a staff with high quality, and make the company to be unconquerable in the firce competition. Key words: Enterprise, FangWei Corporation , Staff training
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