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发布时间:2014-10-14 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 乳胶漆的定义1 1.2 乳胶漆的特点3 1.3 乳胶漆的组成3 1.4 乳胶漆的配方设计3 1.4.1 性能目标确定3 1.4.2 原料选择4 2. 实验部分7 2.1 实验器材和药品7 2.2 乳胶漆的调制8 2.3 细度测定10 2.4 耐洗刷测定11 3. 结果与讨论14 3.1 细度测定结果与讨论14 3.1.1 数据处理14 3.1.2 结果与讨论15 3.2 耐洗刷测定结果与讨论15 4.总结与展望17 致谢18 参考文献19 摘 要:本文阐述了乳胶漆的定义,如何进行乳胶漆的配方设计,并进行了不同配方乳胶漆的调制,测定了它们的细度和耐洗刷度。 通过改变聚苯乙烯-丙烯酸脂乳液(苯丙乳液)和重钙、轻钙使用量来改变乳胶漆的配方,从而得出影响细度和耐洗刷度的因素。在细度的测定实验中,发现了重钙、轻钙的用量对乳胶漆的细度的影响:重钙越多,细度越差;轻钙越多,细度越好。在耐洗刷度的测定实验中,通过JTX-II型建筑涂料耐洗刷仪的测定,得出乳液用量越多,耐洗刷性越好。 最后得出了既满足性能要求,原料用量又最少的乳胶漆配方:水150g,助溶剂5g,增稠剂5g,湿润分散剂3.5g,防腐剂0.5g,消泡剂1g,成膜助剂3g,钛白粉100g,重钙75g,轻钙125g;乳液140g。 关键词:乳胶漆;配方设计;细度;耐洗刷度; Abstract: This article expounds the definition of latex paint, latex paint formula how to design and carry out the modulation of different paint formulations to determine their degree of fineness and abrasion. By changing the polystyrene - acrylic resin emulsion (acrylic emulsion) and the heavy Calcium, to change the use of light calcium emulsion formula to arrive at impact and abrasion degree of fineness of the factors. Determination of fineness of the experiment, found a heavy calcium light calcium content on the fineness of emulsion: Heavy Calcium more fineness worse; light calcium more fineness better. In the abrasion test of measuring the degree by JTX-II-type building coating abrasion instrument measured, obtained emulsion, the more the better scrub resistance. The conclusion that not only meet the performance requirements, raw materials has the least amount of latex paint formulations: Water 150g, cosolvent 5g, thickener 5g, wet dispersant 3.5g, preservatives 0.5g, defoamers 1g, coalescent 3g, titanium dioxide 100g, heavy calcium 75g, light calcium 125g; Emulsion 140g. Keywords:Compound design, Degree of fineness, Stand washing brush, Emulsion
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