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发布时间:2014-10-14 来源:人大经济论坛
目录 摘要I AbstractII 1 电气设计说明1 1.1 设计依据1 1.1.1建筑概况1 1.1.2设计规范及标准1 1.2 设计范围1 1.3 供电系统1 1.3.1负荷等级1 1.3.2供电方式1 1.3.3电能计量方式2 1.3.4线路敷设2 1.3.5照明系统2 1.3.6防雷与接地设计2 1.3.7弱电系统设计2 2 照明系统设计3 2.1 总则3 2.2 照明光源选择的一般原则3 2.3 灯具的选择3 2.4照明设计要求3 2.4.1设计要求3 2.4.2灯具布置3 2.4.3设计原则4 2.5 本设计的光源与灯具的选择4 2.6 照度计算4 2.7 插座设计9 2.7.1插座设计现状9 2.7.2本次设计方案10 3 配电系统设计12 3.1 负荷等级及供电要求12 3.1.1 负荷等级分类12 3.1.2 供电要求12 3.2 供配电设计13 3.2.1供电13 3.2.2配电13 3.2.3室内配电线路13 3.2.4断路器的选择原则13 3.3 负荷计算14 4 弱电系统设计17 4.1 有线电视系统17 4.1.1有线电视系统的组成及分类18 4.1.2有线电视系统设计18 4.2 对讲系统设计19 4.2.1系统结构和功能19 4.2.2本工程设计19 4.3 电话通信系统20 4.3.1系统概述20 4.3.2线路设计20 5 防雷与接地系统设计21 5.1 建筑物防雷的分类21 5.2建筑物年预计雷击次数22 5.3 设计结果23 5.4 接地保护24 5.4.1接地内容与设计方案24 5.4.2接地设计24 6 总结26 致谢27 参考文献28 附录1 说明和图例 附录2 插座平面图 附录3 照明平面图 附录4 访客对讲平面图 附录5 弱电平面图 附录6 防雷平面图 附录7 配电系统图 摘要 本次的设计题目是一栋两户型别墅电气设计,共四层。设计分为强电设计和弱电设计,主要包括配电系统设计,电气照明和插座设计,防雷接地设计,有线电视、电话通信及访客可视对讲系统设计。 本论文主要阐述了设计依据,设计方法,设计原则,设计结果等内容。论文共分五章来阐述本次建筑电气的设计。第一章主要概述本次设计的工程概况。第二章主要讲述照明,插座的设计,照明设计包括照度计算,光源选择等。第三章主要讲述供电和配电,其中低压配电为重点,包括线路敷设,过电流保护等内容。第四章主要讲述防雷和接地,包括防雷的基本知识,建筑物防雷等级计算方法,接地方式等内容。第五章是弱电设计,包括电话通信系统设计,有线电视系统设计,访客可视对讲系统设计。 本次设计为毕业设计,意在将所学的理论知识运用到实际例子当中,更加有效地使所学的理论知识与实际相结合,提升自身的实际解决问题的能力。 关键词 建筑电气;照明;防雷;弱电设计 Abstract The design of the subject is the electrical design of two family house villa,a total of four.This design divided into two part ,one is strong electrical design,the other is weak electrical design.Mainly includes the electrical power distribution system design, the electric lighting and the plug design, thunder prevention and earth design, the telephone communication and the visitor to speak system design. Contents of this dissertation elaborated is the design basis,the design methods, principles of design and so on..The dissertation is divided five chapters to elaborate this building electricity design. The first chapter mainly outlines this design is the project overview; The second chapter main narration the design of illumination and plug, illumination design including degree of illumination computation, the light source selection; the third chapter main narration power supply and power distribution,and the low-voltage power distribution is a key point, the contents Including the line placing exceeding current protection and so on. The fourth chapter main narration thunder prevention and earth, contents Including thunder prevention elementary knowledge, building thunder prevention rank computational method, earth way and so on. The fifth chapter is the weak electricity design, including the telephone communication system design, the cable TV system design, the visitor to speaks system design. This design for graduation project.The purpose is use our knowledge to actual examples,make the knoeledge and actual examples union more effective.improve the ability of solves the question of myself. Key words building electrical; illumination; thunder prevention; weak electricity design
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