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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
《缺失数据统计分析》下载地址医学专区/共享区/中文资源/1004 公共卫生与预防医学/100101 书籍/100401流行病与卫生统计学/医学统计学/缺失数据统计分析_(第2版翻译版)_美国 利特尔 孙山泽译_2004_qyj778899.rar
  • 原书名:Statistical Analysis with Missing Data, Second Edition
  • 原出版社:Wiley
  • 作者: (美)Roderick J.A.Little, Donald B.Rubin
  • 译者: 孙山泽[同译者作品]
  • 丛书名: 外国优秀统计学教材系列·翻译版
  • 出版社: 中国统计出版社
  • ISBN: 7503744952
  • 上架时间:2006-11-21
  • 出版日期:2004 年9月
  • 开本: 16开
  • 页码: 318

Editorial Reviews
"...this second edition offers a thoroughly up-to-date,reorganizedsurvey of of current methods for handling missing dataproblems..." -- Zentralblatt Math, Vol.1011, No.11, 203
"I enjoyed reading this well written book. I recommend it highly to statisticians." (Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation, July 2004)
“…a well written and well documented text for missing data analysis...” (Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Vol.14, No.1, 2005)

"An update to this authoritative book is indeed welcome." (Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 2004)

“…this is an excellent book. It is well written and inspiring…” (Statistics in Medicine, 2004; 23)
"...this second edition offers a thoroughly up-to-date,reorganizedsurvey of of current methods for handling missing dataproblems..." (Zentralblatt Math, Vol.1011, No.11, 203)
"...well written and very readable...a comprehensive, updatetreatmentof an important topic by two of the leading researchers in thefield.In summary, I highly recommend this book..." (Technometrics, Vol. 45, No. 4, November 2003)

Product Description * Emphasizes the latest trends in the field.
* Includes a new chapter on evolving methods.
* Provides updated or revised material in most of the chapters.
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