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【2019新书】The Statistical Analysis of Multivariate Failure Time Data attachment slowry 2019-7-25 15 2890 wangyong8935 2019-11-5 19:27:30
Generalized Linear Models with Random Effects Unified Analysis via H-likelihood attach_img nivastuli 2018-8-19 3 711 hyq2003 2018-8-20 00:22:21
Nonparametric Models for Longitudinal Data attach_img nivastuli 2018-8-19 6 1433 Stakiny 2018-9-8 10:56:27
Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications attach_img igs816 2018-6-28 23 1192 liguan11 2019-5-4 20:55:22
Missing and Modified Data in Nonparametric Estimation: With R Examples attachment Nicolle 2018-6-7 35 3289 simpleeyelid 2018-10-23 09:46:01
分享Algebraic Statistics: Computational Commutative Algebra in Statistics attachment colinwang 2017-6-10 4 1142 tianwk 2020-2-11 01:03:38
【统计学与应用概率】 Multi-State Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data (16) attach_img cmwei333 2016-12-30 16 2969 zfk 2017-1-25 12:13:13
【时间序列 + R 应用,第2版】 Hidden Markov Models for Time Series (2016, 2e) attach_img cmwei333 2016-12-9 122 11452 ryoeng 2021-1-29 00:41:52
【统计与应用概率】Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2016-11-3 28 3522 sunshine880607 2016-11-7 16:33:52
Statistical Analysis of Spatial and SpatioTemporal Point Patterns(Third Edition) attachment niutyut 2016-8-21 3 1641 zhangok 2016-10-4 10:16:09
【经典教材系列】Circular and Linear attach_img wwqqer 2016-6-1 39 5614 三江鸿 2022-5-16 13:24:34
【经典教材系列】State-Space Methods for Time Series Analysis - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2016-5-23 147 6568 etoy 2022-8-22 12:10:51
【经典教材系列】Perfect Simulation (2016) attach_img wwqqer 2016-2-16 124 11411 att006 2022-11-1 09:20:33
Inferential Models Reasoning with Uncertainty attachment nivastuli 2016-1-19 2 1607 三江鸿 2023-1-28 15:17:42
Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis 高清 attach_img tangzx998 2016-1-12 4 2045 jgchen1966 2016-3-11 21:00:11
【经典教材系列】Semialgebraic Statistics and Latent Tree Models attach_img wwqqer 2015-12-25 77 10106 三重虫 2022-8-3 20:30:16
【经典教材系列】Antedependence Models for Longitudinal Data - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-11-23 51 3131 cristineharbe 2019-9-28 23:30:25
【经典教材系列】Constrained Principal Component Analysis and Related Techniques attach_img wwqqer 2015-11-19 46 6605 三江鸿 2022-5-16 11:20:28
【经典教材系列】Randomised Response-Adaptive Designs attach_img wwqqer 2015-11-19 63 7931 olympic 2022-10-7 20:32:00
[经典教材系列] Sequential Analysis: Hypothesis Testing and Changepoint Detection - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-11-18 86 6234 三江鸿 2022-5-16 14:23:08
【经典教材系列】Stochastic Analysis for Gaussian attach_img wwqqer 2015-11-18 119 12604 rebornxldeng 2022-8-12 15:53:16
【经典教材系列】帕累托分布 Pareto Distributions (第二版) - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-11-15 126 8535 中华家 2021-2-28 16:43:40
【经典教材系列】Extreme Value Methods - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-11-15 98 6989 三重虫 2022-8-3 18:59:41
高清版Statistical learning with sparsity--The Lasso and Generalizations attachment girlswing 2015-11-12 13 6309 wxxstar21 2022-8-8 14:32:41
【经典教材系列】Statistical Inference - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-10-3 106 6266 三江鸿 2022-5-15 15:40:47
【经典教材系列】Models for Dependent Time Series - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-7-20 102 6780 三江鸿 2022-5-16 11:21:38
【经典教材系列】Measuring Statistical Evidence attach_img wwqqer 2015-6-23 85 9324 三江鸿 2022-5-16 10:15:34
【经典教材系列】Statistical Learning with Sparsity attach_img wwqqer 2015-5-10 139 18695 bighero3 2021-11-22 18:35:49
【经典教材系列】Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis (第二版) attach_img wwqqer 2015-5-2 183 23031 lixiansu 2023-8-21 20:26:45
【经典教材系列】Data Analysis and Approximate Models attach_img wwqqer 2015-4-30 61 8721 三江鸿 2022-5-16 14:17:13








冰族王子 2023-5-6:

haha01 2020-7-15:

wq37 2019-6-13:

wind2599 2019-6-13:

suzhzh 2018-9-14:

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