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  文库主题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
Statistical Analytics for Health Data Science with SAS and R attachment digest yaawuu 2023-10-22 81 22411 军旗飞扬 2024-5-20 12:24:10
Clinical Trial Optimization Using R attach_img igs816 2017-10-17 25 7020 三江鸿 2022-4-28 11:21:57
Cluster Randomised Trials, Second Edition attach_img igs816 2017-8-18 31 1533 hepati 2018-10-7 16:15:27
分享Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology attachment colinwang 2017-6-7 4 1913 zhaoyuanying 2020-1-9 00:27:53
分享Biosimilar Clinical Development attachment colinwang 2017-6-7 1 1192 olivia-eason 2017-6-11 17:56:20
分享Methods in Comparative Effectiveness Research attachment colinwang 2017-6-7 3 1290 sunhaiquan 2019-3-23 21:07:13
【经典教材系列】Essentials of a Successful Biostatistical attach_img wwqqer 2016-12-29 39 3575 wl5f 2018-10-20 10:18:27
【经典教材系列】Inference Principles for Biostatisticians attach_img wwqqer 2016-6-16 41 13650 xfzhang63 2022-7-5 15:58:42
【经典教材系列】Sample Size Calculations for Clustered - [阅读权限 10]attach_img wwqqer 2016-6-11 62 3208 三江鸿 2022-5-16 11:16:58
【经典教材系列】Noninferiority Testing in Clinical - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2016-6-11 40 2604 liming76223 2017-11-24 13:30:39
【经典教材系列】生物统计经典入门教材 Elementary Bayesian Biostatistics attach_img wwqqer 2016-1-23 105 12148 ReeRee2023 2023-10-1 18:00:52
【经典教材系列】Design and Analysis of Clinical attach_img wwqqer 2016-1-8 81 11288 三江鸿 2022-5-16 10:21:07
【经典教材系列】Dynamical Biostatistical Models attach_img wwqqer 2015-12-25 87 9434 三江鸿 2022-5-18 19:30:18
【经典教材系列】Bayesian Methods for Repeated - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-12-24 75 7330 三重虫 2022-8-3 20:30:38
Modern Adaptive Randomized attach_img wwqqer 2015-8-16 38 6483 三江鸿 2022-5-15 00:51:26








冰族王子 2023-5-6:

haha01 2020-7-15:

wq37 2019-6-13:

wind2599 2019-6-13:

suzhzh 2018-9-14:

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