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【WILEY】High Impact Tools for Teams attach_img Justin915 2022-11-27 17 1834 freeman_dong10 2023-10-22 04:39:48
MASTER60 Weekly No.897 大師輕鬆讀 – 16 十一月 2022 attach_img digest rip 2022-11-22 28 3539 悠悠仔 2023-2-11 02:20:51
Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum attachment phdcfa 2022-6-11 4 1975 三重虫 2022-8-28 10:34:48
Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps attachment phdcfa 2022-6-11 3 1945 三重虫 2022-8-28 10:36:10
Real Macroeconomic Theory attachment 兰宋小生 2022-6-10 2 948 兰宋小生 2022-6-25 17:08:59
伯南克新书 21st Century Monetary Policy attachment 谦虚自信 2022-5-18 46 11098 zhongyi1502 2024-4-4 22:53:14
Python distilled- 畅销书python essential reference 的2022版 attachment xjg 2022-5-7 9 2276 三江鸿 2022-5-11 00:11:07
Quantitative Finance With Python attach_img xfx 2022-5-7 37 7727 ttq9018 2024-4-6 08:59:32
2022年4月份英语外刊 attachment zhaozhuoran 2022-5-3 9 3107 慕容听雨 2022-9-22 17:13:34
2022年伯克希尔股东大会全文-48页 attach_img 1jian.fun 2022-5-1 14 1984 三江鸿 2022-5-13 18:47:28
Hedge Fund Strategies Performance & Diversification A Portfolio Theory 2022 attachment tangdh 2022-3-31 7 2028 三重虫 2022-4-4 15:02:07
Investing All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition attachment zhangke0987 2022-3-31 3 1185 三重虫 2022-4-4 15:02:47
ESG relatied reports (CFA institute) attachment 逸子夏 2022-2-28 2 1027 nicacc 2022-3-3 08:22:26
STATISTICAL YEARBOOK OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA 2009 attachment muffin-moon 2021-12-20 2 990 lalot 2022-1-17 14:19:25
Machine Learning for Cloud Management 2022 attachment sky021 2021-12-18 11 5082 三江鸿 2022-10-30 21:11:50
投资估价 英文版 Aswath Damodaran著 attachment ken1022 2021-12-18 6 2282 三重虫 2021-12-22 13:14:46
Pandas in Action [2021新版] attachment harbix 2021-12-14 4 1499 三重虫 2021-12-18 17:14:06
Limit Order Book as a Market for Liquidity attachment bulalala1 2021-12-14 6 875 三重虫 2022-1-3 11:10:43
Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading attachment bulalala1 2021-12-14 10 2176 bighead68 2024-3-24 09:52:20
2020-02-01 Manager Today attachment bestdjf 2021-12-12 4 1035 三重虫 2021-12-25 19:37:45
2020-01-01 Manager Today attachment bestdjf 2021-12-12 4 923 三重虫 2021-12-25 19:37:18
OReilly.Hands-On.Unsupervised.Learning.Using.Python 4th attachment thinking2009 2021-12-12 8 1449 听雨在小楼 2022-1-22 10:33:17
Data Scientist Pocket Guide: attachment Nicolle 2021-12-12 31 2420 三重虫 2021-12-13 20:49:01
2021 Stata Economics Virtual Symposium 10 November attachment xuehe 2021-12-11 9 4146 sofree 2021-12-13 22:56:54
Deep Learning Advanced Guide to Learn Deep Learning with Python 3rd Edition attach_img sky021 2021-12-11 4 2173 三江鸿 2022-10-30 21:17:53
Real-World Natural Language Processing 2021 attach_img sky021 2021-12-11 3 2977 三江鸿 2022-10-30 21:18:25
Introduction+to+Deep+Learning+and+Neural+Networks+with+Python_+A+Practical+Guide attach_img sky021 2021-12-11 4 945 三江鸿 2022-10-30 21:19:03
Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner's Guide attach_img sky021 2021-12-11 6 1255 醉沫离殇 2023-7-13 18:43:56
Pandas+in+Action 2021 attach_img sky021 2021-12-11 4 2402 三江鸿 2022-10-30 21:20:26
Deep Learning with Python, 2nd Edition 2021 attach_img sky021 2021-12-11 9 1161 biostat 2022-12-8 21:52:48








gideshi1974 2021-4-17:

mmmmom 2021-3-11:

connieee 2020-12-30:

qwerty2221 2020-12-7:

iamxintong 2020-10-29:

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