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The R Primer attach_img igs816 2014-8-31 3 2266 tianwk 2019-7-27 18:43:55
Implementing Reproducible Research attach_img igs816 2014-8-28 4 2412 shang00122 2023-4-4 13:09:52
【2014新书】Robust Cluster Analysis and Variable Selection attach_img oliyiyi 2014-8-28 88 9875 jgchen1966 2015-11-23 14:31:47
Risk Monetization: Converting Threats and Opportunities into Impact on Project attach_img 大家开心 2014-8-19 1 1573 糊涂虫 2014-8-20 13:12:37
股票走势技术分析第十版--Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, Tenth Edition - [阅读权限 24]attachment tigerwolf 2014-8-15 104 2075 mason2416 2017-11-8 09:12:30
Computational Actuarial Science with R attach_img igs816 2014-8-15 7 4824 suzhzh 2015-9-26 11:03:02
Random Dynamical Systems in Finance - [阅读权限 20]attachment tigerwolf 2014-8-14 11 599 三江鸿 2023-1-20 22:55:24
Quantitative Operational Risk Models 2012 - [阅读权限 16]attachment tigerwolf 2014-8-14 12 301 easyspring 2014-8-21 19:20:00
Displaying Time Series, Spatial and Space-Time Data with R attach_img igs816 2014-8-5 12 4655 hgbzzw 2017-6-14 15:11:09
Multilevel Modeling Using R by W. Holmes Finch, Jocelyn E. Bolin attach_img 大家开心 2014-8-4 108 18176 chenjinjian 2021-10-26 14:29:08
[好书首发]Paradoxes in Scientific Inference attachment Nicolle 2014-7-25 33 4292 东西方咨询 2015-11-29 08:39:28
书:Statistical computing with R, M.L.Rizzo, Chapman &Hall/CRC, 2008 attachment mw89 2014-7-17 14 6053 lonestone 2020-10-29 06:17:14
[首发]Dependence Modeling with Copulas attachment windlove 2014-7-9 23 8318 三江鸿 2022-11-15 17:59:04
悬赏 [貝葉斯電子書]Bayesian Programming - [已解决] attach_img digest Nicolle 2014-6-27 118 15539 十七里香 2019-1-14 06:11:59
Risk Management and Simulation by Aparna Gupta attach_img 大家开心 2014-6-22 62 10587 enecqhu 2016-6-21 08:40:59
Statistical Methods for Financial Engineering attach_img 大家开心 2014-6-22 83 14376 三江鸿 2022-11-4 00:07:33
【2014新书】Using R for Numerical Analysis in Science and Engineering attach_img saintsophia 2014-6-20 114 18168 rythme 2019-7-12 09:07:02
Financial and Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction, Second Edition attach_img 大家开心 2014-6-17 36 5604 ygangmathcsu 2017-4-29 19:59:25
[精品图书下载]Mixed Effects Models for Complex Data CRC 2010 attachment Trevor 2014-6-17 120 15382 shihuachen 2023-2-6 12:54:54
统计学的过去现在与未来Past, Present, and Future of Statistical Science attach_img saintsophia 2014-6-5 162 24811 illdownload 2022-11-21 10:44:22
TMT 估值 Extreme Values in Finance Telecommunications the Enviroment attachment huangxl@oriza 2014-5-25 2 1749 zhaoyuanying 2017-4-30 18:42:01
【下载】Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition attach_img 文岛日尹 2014-5-6 67 24490 三江鸿 2023-1-24 16:08:55
北美最流行:非参数统计Robust Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Second Edition attach_img saintsophia 2014-4-29 169 22510 三江鸿 2023-1-24 17:17:34
Interest Rate Modeling: Theory and Practice. Lixin Wu 高清完美书签版 attachment crazy8book 2014-4-21 10 3897 三江鸿 2023-1-24 23:29:16
【2014年】Theory of Factorial Design: Single- and Multi-Stratum Experiments attachment leonkd 2014-3-20 3 2674 smilealano 2014-4-21 23:46:40
悬赏 求:《Beyond ANOVA: Basics of Applied Statistics 》 - [已解决] attachment 唐宋元清 2014-3-18 2 1222 atwoodcloyd 2020-2-3 14:22:54
[大牛巨献]Analysis of Multivariate Social Science Data 2e_David J. Bartholomew attach_img saintsophia 2014-2-18 167 18518 dongfh00001 2021-7-6 08:50:59
统计推断An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications with R attach_img saintsophia 2014-2-16 128 14035 yu1942 2017-4-3 16:00:23
悬赏 求Actuarial Models: The Mathematics of Insurance - [悬赏 100 个论坛币] attachment 鲛人泣月 2014-2-13 2 1503 bessieUNL 2015-2-6 08:10:27
[精品图书下载]Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis 3rd Edition 2008 attachment ynsxx 2014-2-6 18 7586 胆酸止咳片9 2018-10-9 21:51:51








冰族王子 2023-5-6:

haha01 2020-7-15:

wq37 2019-6-13:

wind2599 2019-6-13:

suzhzh 2018-9-14:

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