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发布时间:2015-03-30 来源:人大经济论坛
数学与应用数学论文范文 字数2048 对称性在积分中的应用 【摘要】本文研究的目的是针对几何性质与图形、运算在积分中的应用,利用对称性来简化解决问题的过程。给出了奇函数和偶函数的定义,讨论了利用函数的奇偶性求解定积分、重积分、线积分、面积分等积分。在利用对称性求解积分问题时,一般分为以下两种情况:一是积分区域具有某种对称性,可直接利用对称性对问题进行求解;另一种情况就是积分区域不具有某种对称性,或所具有的对称性不明显,对此应用转化的方法,根据问题特点来构造对称性。在求解问题的过程中,如果能充分考虑问题的对称性并利用它,往往会做到事半功倍的效果。 【关键词】 奇函数和偶函数;对称性;积分 【Abstract】The purpose of this text research is to aim at several the property and sketch, operation is in the application in the integral calculus and make use of symmetry to simplify problem-solving process. Give strange function and even function of definition, discussed to make use of function of strange accidentally sex solve definite integral, heavy integral calculus’s, such as integral calculus, line integral calculus and area cent...etc..While making use of symmetry to solve an integral calculus problem, generally is divided into two kinds of following circumstances: on being an integral calculus district to have a certain and symmetry, can directly make use of symmetry to carry on solving to the problem; Another circumstance is an integral calculus district don't have a certain and symmetry, or the symmetry had isn't obvious, to this method that applies a conversion, construct symmetry according to the problem characteristics. In the process of solving a problem, if can well consider the symmetry of problem and make use of it, usually attain the effect of half effort and double results. 【Key words】strange function and even function;symmetry;Integration 一、奇函数和偶函数 若,有= ,则称是偶函数。其函数图像关于轴对称。 若,有= ,则称是奇函数。其函数图像关于原点对称。 若,有= ,则称是上关于的偶函数。 若,有= ,则称是上关于的奇函数。 二、奇函数和偶函数的积分特点 若是对称区域是的偶函数,则有,其中,区域是区域的对称一半。 若是对称区域是的奇函数,则有,其中。 说明:及被赋予具体的含义时,就表示定积分、重积分、线积分、面积分等不同的积分,下面将具体讨论利用对称性求解积分问题的做法。 三、对称性在中的具体应用 1、,是上的一元函数,则=,且有=2,当是偶函数。
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