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发布时间:2015-04-06 来源:人大经济论坛
印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2 课题的主要研究内容2 1.3课题研究的目的和意义4 2 实验方案5 2.1实验仪器与方法5 2.2研究方法5 3 纸张性能对印刷质量影响分析7 3.1纸张平滑度度印刷质量的影响7 3.2纸张白度对印刷质量的影响9 3.3纸张不透明度对印刷质量的影响11 3.4纸张光泽度对印刷质量的影响13 3.5测试纸样的性能15 4 纸张性能不良对印刷质量的影响17 4.1纸张性能引起的印刷故障17 4.2印刷故障的一般解决办法19 5 结论与展望22 5.1结论22 5.2展望22 致 谢24 参考文献25 摘 要:纸张性能是与印刷工艺过程密切相关的综合指标,包括表面结构与强度性能、油墨吸收性能、纸张呈色性能等,直接影响印刷品质量。本文介绍了几种常用纸张的性能以及其对印刷质量的影响等情况,主要以常用的印刷纸张为研究对象,探讨纸张性能和印刷品质量之间的关系,为合理地设置印刷工艺参数、提高印刷品质量提供科学依据。对比分析各样本纸张的性能,以及各自的印刷适性,再通过实例对纸张性能对印刷质量影响进行进一步探讨。 从印刷工艺和纸张性能两方面探讨了纸张性能不良对印刷质量的影响,结果表明,不透明度是造成透印现象的最主要的原因,其次是平滑度影响纸张墨膜厚度的因素,白度与光泽度影响印刷品色彩的表现。 关键词:纸张性能;印刷质量;平滑度;白度;光泽度 Abstract: Paper and printing performance is closely related to the process of integrated indicators,, including the surface of the structure and strength properties, ink absorption properties, paper properties such as color, directly affect the quality of printed matter. In this paper, the performance of some commonly-used paper as well as its impact on print quality, etc., mainly used in printing paper for the study to explore the properties of paper and print quality of the relationship between the print settings for the reasonable process parameters to improve print quality to provide a scientific basis. Comparative analysis of the performance of the various samples of paper, as well as their respective Printability, examples of paper through the printing quality of the performance of the impact of further exploration. Paper from the printing process and the performance of both the bad performance of the printing paper quality, the results show that transparency is printed through the main reason for the phenomenon, followed by the impact of the smoothness of paper, ink film thickness factor, whiteness and the impact of print gloss color performance. Keywords:Paper properties; Printing quality; Smoothness; Whiteness;Glossiness
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