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发布时间:2015-04-06 来源:人大经济论坛
印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1研究的背景和意义1 1.2 油墨转移率1 1.3 影响油墨转移的因素2 1.4 胶印油墨3 1.5 研究课题的提出及研究的主要内容5 2 实验方案6 2.1实验目的和要求6 2.2 实验基本内容6 2.3 实验仪器、工具及材料6 2.4 实验原理6 2.5 实验过程设计7 3 实验结果分析9 3.1 实验数据9 3.2 综合分析10 3.3 实验误差分析12 3.4 此实验的现实缺陷12 4 结论与展望12 4.1结论12 4.2展望12 致 谢12 参考文献12 摘 要:油墨的黏度会影响油墨的转移率和印刷图像质量。在实际生产中,操作人员为使油墨具有良好的印刷适性,在油墨中添加增稠剂或稀释剂来调节油墨的粘度,势必会引起油墨内部组分和其物化性能的变化从而影响印刷质量。由此可见,油墨粘度的控制在胶印过程中至关重要。 本课题研究油墨黏度对油墨转移的影响,确定实验方案,在相同印刷压力,不同的油墨黏度下对相同纸张与相同油墨种类进行实验,使用印刷适性仪模拟印刷过程,通过调节不同油墨黏度,测量油墨从墨辊转移到承印材料上的墨量,测试油墨转移率。通过对这些数据进行了拟合,进而找出油墨黏度与油墨转移率函数方程,为实际印刷中寻求最佳的油墨黏度提供了有价值的依据。对于在印刷实际生产中油墨的控制与印刷品质量的检测与控制具有一定的科学依据。谋求在印刷行业现行系统中增加有效的理论依据与实验数据。提高生产效率,从而实现企业价值,让印刷行业走向集约型道路。 关键词:胶印;油墨黏度;油墨转移率 Abstract: The viscosity of the ink will influence the transfer rate of printing ink and image quality. In actual production, for having good printing ink, operation personnel must adding thickener or diluent to adjust the viscosity of ink printing, bound to internal components and its properties of which influence printing quality. Thus, the process of the offset printing ink viscosity control is very important. This research on printing ink viscosity, determine the experiment scheme, in the same printing pressure, different ink viscosity, the same type of paper and ink, using ink printing, printing process simulation apparatus by different measurement ink printing ink, and being transferred from the roller on material, to test the transfer rate of printing ink. Based on these data, found out the practical function equation between the viscosity of printing ink and the transfer rate of printing ink, for the best printing ink viscosity in the actual production. In the actual production, the printing ink control and print quality inspection control has certain scientific basis. In the current system of printing industry,increase the theoretical basis and effective experimental data. Improve the production efficiency, thus realize enterprise value, let the printing industry towards intensive road. Keywords:offset printing; Ink viscosity; Ink-transfer rates
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