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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
Kenneth A. Reinert, Ramkishen S. Rajan, Joycelyn Glass, Lewis S. Davis,
The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy,
Princeton University Press 2008, 1289 Pages , ISBN: 069112812X .
The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy beautifully integrates the ideas, theories, institutions, policies, and analyses of the modern global economy. It provides expert essays on four major areas of economic globalization: international trade, international finance, international production, and international economic development. The essays are written in language that bridges the gap between general treatments found in popular publications and the complex analyses found in specialist publications, such as academic journals and monographs. . . . This is a wonderful work for the serious study of the global economy.
(Reference & User Services Quarterly )
This authoritative encyclopedia makes a timely debut. . . . Its 300 topics are chosen for their value in communicating an 'understanding of economic forces.' The work spans general to specialized topics, and it does this well. . . . [T]his readable set is worth the investment for any academic or large public library.
(C. Le Beau Choice )
不好意思, 此类书的搬运费看涨。
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