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文件名:  Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences Part A.rar
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Advances in Meta-Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (2012).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Bayesian Evaluation of Informative Hypotheses -Springer (2008).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Bayesian Item Response Modeling_ Theory and Applications(2010).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Bayesian Networks in Educational Assessment-Springer (2015).pdf
  • (Statistics for social and behavioral Sciences) Ecosystem Geography_ From Ecoregions to Sites(2009).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Elements of Adaptive Testing-Springer-Verlag New York (201.pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Introduction to Applied Bayesian Statistics and Estimation for Social Scientists.pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Linear Models for Optimal Test Design(2005).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Linking and Aligning Scores and Scales-S.pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Living Standards Analytics_ Development through the Lens of Household Survey Data(2011).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Marginal Models_ For Dependent, Clustered, and Longitudinal Categorical Data -Springer (2009).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Missing Data and Small-area Estimation_ Modern Analytical Equipment for the Survey Statistician(2005).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Missing Data_ Analysis and Design(2012).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Multidimensional Item Response Theory(2009).pdf
  • (Statistics for social and behavioral sciences) Multivariate and mixture distribution Rasch (2007).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Ordinal Data Modeling-Springer (1999).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Practical Considerations in Computer-Based Testing(200.pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Practical Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples(2013).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Projection matrices, generalized inverse matrices, and singular value decomposition(2011).pdf
  • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Relative Distribution Methods in the Social Sciences (1999).pdf
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