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[丢掉HLM软件]基于R的多层模型分析教程贴 attach_img bfzldh 2016-9-29 166 52039 swztar 2022-8-23 10:23:35
《Best Practices in Exploratory Factor Analysis》 attach_img bfzldh 2016-7-5 16 3060 zspirte 2020-10-14 14:59:22
Compare Cross-Lagged Associations in a Multilevel Autoregressive Model attachment bfzldh 2016-7-5 3 2113 bfzldh 2016-7-26 08:58:39
【2016新书】C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0: Modern Cross-Platform attachment digest 牛尾巴 2016-6-11 126 14210 胡明敏 2019-4-7 13:15:42
[电子书]《ANOVA and ANCOVA: A GLM Approach》2ed attach_img digest bfzldh 2016-6-2 76 9901 etoy 2022-4-7 18:09:51
【经典教材系列】Complex Surveys: Analysis of Categorical Data attach_img wwqqer 2016-5-30 67 8579 三江鸿 2022-5-16 09:17:45
悬赏 Multilevel Modeling of Categorical Outcomes Using IBM SPSS - [已解决] attachment ReneeBK 2016-5-8 95 11813 plwumi 2021-1-21 11:01:52
王济川等2008多层统计分析模型-方法与应用 attachment yijihongni 2016-3-15 8 10642 liudongdl 2023-4-17 15:48:36
Advances in Statistical Models for Data Analysis 1st ed 2015 Edition attach_img exuan1991 2015-12-2 22 2451 铁锷未残 2016-6-23 13:49:34
Excel 2013 for Engineering Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems attach_img exuan1991 2015-12-1 14 1885 tmdxyz 2015-12-11 06:39:28
《Building a Recommendation System with R》 attach_img digest mipbuilder 2015-10-9 109 10852 zhugeyu0 2019-5-3 17:28:38
《Mastering Social Media Mining with R》 attach_img digest mipbuilder 2015-10-6 116 10361 zhugeyu0 2019-5-3 17:06:38
MPLUS的英文多水平模型分析书籍 attachment digest longitudinal 2015-7-29 70 11362 胡明敏 2019-3-30 19:13:01
《C++ How to Program (Early Objects Version)》 9th Edition attachment digest WonderToe 2015-7-3 106 15392 胡明敏 2019-3-29 20:17:55
《Essentials of Multivariate Data Analysis》 attach_img digest 大家开心 2015-6-2 115 11532 胡明敏 2019-3-29 12:51:35
The LION Way: Machine Learning plus Intelligent Optimization attachment hooli 2015-3-28 11 5109 三江鸿 2022-4-28 16:04:51
《The SAGE Handbook of Regression Analysis and Causal Inference》 attach_img 大家开心 2015-3-22 81 14442 cljoy 2023-4-27 20:36:40
《Applied Mixed Models in Medicine》 attach_img 大家开心 2014-12-21 74 9878 kanghua1987 2018-7-29 12:05:05
【好书推荐】Bayesian Methods in Health Economics attach_img digest oliyiyi 2014-11-28 131 15690 钱学森64 2021-5-4 19:33:37
Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using R A Step-by-Step Approach attachment li_mao 2014-10-17 13 6161 zhkittylj 2019-8-20 15:05:14
[MLwiN Related Book]Multiple Imputation and Its Application attachment Nicolle 2014-8-15 59 9383 wangxinbio26 2023-6-5 11:14:42
[精品图书]Isaac Newton:;Minitab Cookbook Packt 2014 attachment Shazam 2014-8-14 13 3322 jamesoutlook 2016-10-27 18:17:21
[好书首发]《The Practice of Computing Using Python》 attachment Nicolle 2014-7-31 46 7685 Nicolle 2021-4-17 09:55:45
[精品图书下载]Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning attachment Nicolle 2014-7-24 42 6859 mobile7741 2016-7-2 22:15:59
[精品图书下载]Ask, Measure, Learn: attachment 农村固定观察点 2014-7-20 7 2232 flyingball 2019-4-9 14:46:35
[精品图书下载]Managing Data in Motion attachment Lisrelchen 2014-7-20 5 1750 davids19802 2017-9-20 12:44:51
[非誠勿擾]Graphs and Networks: Multilevel Modeling 2nd Edition Wiley 2010 attachment Eviewschen 2014-7-16 23 3848 nash 2016-7-2 22:15:59
《Multilevel Statistical Models》4th Edition,Harvey Goldstein: attachment 农村固定观察点 2014-6-30 122 19481 lglovelhm 2021-12-10 13:27:44
[精品图书下载]Quantitative Data Analysis: Doing Social Research to Test Ideas attachment 农村固定观察点 2014-6-23 28 7800 hiderm 2019-4-5 18:42:28
[精品图书下载] 刘红云张雷:追踪数据分析方法及应用.PDF attachment 农村固定观察点 2014-6-20 66 18411 etoy 2022-3-13 08:04:15








ashintiamo 2018-10-15:

Psych66 2018-2-5:

cjy5741 2017-10-30:

~清雾林 2017-7-5:

bfzldh 2016-7-6:

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