人大经济论坛 文库 eBook with Data and Code

eBook with Data and Code

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文库创建人:NewOccidental | 共同维护人: hanszhu  Nicolle  Lisrelchen 

  文库主题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[转载] 用R处理大数据集 Nicolle 2014-12-6 13 15717 若の渡2.0 2017-10-25 08:56:07
求introduction to R for quantitative Finance 的数据和code! attachment taoyuchina 2014-12-5 9 5094 cxy8023 2017-10-24 10:54:08
Solutions十(7ed)(Leon)Linear Algebra with applications attachment Kaochihyu 2014-12-2 3 3052 jsrgyb 2017-6-6 21:32:23
Why do Lars and Glmnet give different solutions for the Lasso problem? Nicolle 2014-12-2 0 1432 Nicolle 2014-12-2 10:32:12
Lasso Regression Nicolle 2014-12-2 0 1911 Nicolle 2014-12-2 10:26:42
悬赏 R软件能计算列联表的Fisher精确P值吗? - [已解决] 耕耘使者 2014-12-1 2 7096 曲散人终 2014-12-1 18:51:45
R程序问题,关于矩阵计算的,新手上路,多多指教,感恩跪谢~~~ attachment duzongyan 2014-12-1 13 2364 657306203 2014-12-15 13:27:41
[Lecture Notes]Large Data Analysis using Rhipe attachment Nicolle 2014-12-1 3 1005 大约在冬季9096 2014-12-1 13:35:41
悬赏 求R语言编程艺术的书中代码 - [已解决] attachment 冷月初 2014-11-30 19 12907 是盛开的盛 2017-5-16 10:03:28
【好书推荐】Bayesian Methods in Health Economics attach_img digest oliyiyi 2014-11-28 131 15707 钱学森64 2021-5-4 19:33:37
求问list如何转换成矩阵? kaurala 2014-11-28 6 21078 一入统计深似海 2016-12-6 21:21:24
如何用BayesQR做lasso变量选择 laofuzi 2014-11-28 3 3314 laofuzi 2014-11-28 13:46:44
请问在R里怎么把list按元素名字合并进data frame superyxo 2014-11-27 7 13993 youling2013 2018-5-2 17:31:40
请教怎么用R筛选字符串???? xucaifeng66 2014-11-27 6 9516 stsly09 2015-1-7 20:04:04
把数据集按照分组分别导出为txt文件 李会超 2014-11-26 1 1277 DM小菜鸟 2015-1-16 01:23:21
网页抓取又添利器 daishen 2014-11-26 22 10753 xiaowang200903 2017-1-7 17:24:29
空间计量模型 R语言操作详尽步骤!!! attachment 风雪里的战士 2014-11-11 103 50818 小不点呵呵 2024-4-7 08:34:48
Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java 3rd Edition attachment ReneeBK 2014-11-1 16 3239 selfswim 2016-7-27 11:44:49
Machine Learning: Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals attachment Nicolle 2014-10-28 17 3914 marcus10 2017-8-13 05:33:47
Neural Networks with R – A Simple Example Nicolle 2014-10-11 5 3042 woaiwangqiao 2014-12-7 14:46:47
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (3rd Edition) 完全版答案 attachment qdhwp 2014-10-5 6 3893 maoxiantuotuo 2018-3-18 00:57:13
《时间序列分析及应用(R语言)(原书第2版)》,另含随书程序与数据集及勘误表 attachment zxc126354 2014-9-17 56 16443 wefercs 2016-12-14 13:41:02
introduction to time series and forecasting,Peter J. Brockwell 免费答案 attachment lpdmm0416 2014-9-15 20 10840 三江鸿 2022-11-15 19:00:00
Event History Analysis with R yuedragon 2014-9-1 6 2931 longitudinal 2016-1-11 06:22:23
数据挖掘与R(中文版+英文版+R脚本+数据) attachment jingrongge 2014-8-13 13 3692 lisong-1227 2015-4-16 19:19:35
统计建模与R软件(薛毅 陈立萍)的代码及答案 attach_img kingcatcher 2014-8-13 30 12841 klpoi 2015-10-8 14:57:15
关联规则里 maxlen参数设置问题 chains 2014-8-4 2 5440 李会超 2014-12-13 09:58:53
MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications, 5e (Solutions Manual) attach_img 大家开心 2014-7-30 46 6421 wh7064rg 2015-1-23 03:48:10
悬赏 Statistical Computing in C++ and R - [已解决] Nicolle 2014-7-30 17 5357 igs816 2015-7-22 09:13:59
Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines attachment Nicolle 2014-7-30 16 2347 idlelife 2012-8-3 20:29:30








michalevan 2015-5-31:

shcg123 2015-5-2:

skirt77 2015-4-6:

niuniuyiwan 2015-2-7:

ryoeng 2015-1-20:

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