人大经济论坛 文库 【数学+统计+计算机编程】
   (共 25 次打分)

文库关键词:数学  统计  Python  MATLAB  SAS 


1. 线性代数,应用数学,最优化,运筹,逻辑,趣味数学
2. 概率论,统计学,博弈论
3. C++, Elixir, Excel, Git, Java, Mathematica, MATLAB, Python, R, SAS, Spark, SPSS, Stata, Swift
4. 数据分析处理,大数据,机器学习,云计算
  文库主题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
【进化的多智能系统:从灵感到应用】 Evolutionary Multi-Agent Systems (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 9 1363 fengyg 2017-1-24 09:53:56
【大数据应用】 Advanced Visual Interfaces. Supporting Big Data Applicatio (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 10 1875 life_life 2017-1-26 23:04:13
【Java 编程】 Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms Using Java attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 25 7555 junebaby 2017-12-24 10:48:09
【C++ 编程】 Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms Using C++ attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 26 5181 水龙月 2020-10-12 14:07:51
【Python 书籍】 Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms Using Python attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 62 8442 snowpalm 2019-3-26 22:11:03
【有风险的物流网】 The Internet of Risky Things : Trusting the Devices (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 9 1187 wastetime 2017-11-26 22:44:14
【Python 书籍】 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) with Python Programming (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 36 6229 zhbmarshal 2019-7-14 15:31:46
【物流与供应链管理】 Computational Intelligence in Logistics and SCM (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-22 12 2300 lyq2009 2017-2-5 20:02:37
【自动博彩交易】 Automatic Exchange Betting : Automating the Betting Process attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-22 18 1709 笑哈哈999 2017-1-28 03:11:27
【政治学与大数据】 Politics and Big Data (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-22 23 2714 paulinokok 2017-2-19 21:58:46
【统计学】 An Introduction to Statistics : An Active Learning Approach (2017, 2e attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-22 104 8518 zFtop 2020-7-7 10:35:44
【视觉文化与数学】 Visual Culture and Mathematics in the Early Modern Per (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-22 18 1114 512661101 2019-5-17 19:16:00
【嵌入式系统】 Introduction to Embedded Systems : A Cyber-Physical Sy (2017, 2e) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-21 12 2072 xnaei 2018-11-2 15:00:50
【计算机介绍:语言,逻辑与机器的探索】 Introduction to Computing : Explorations attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-21 24 2665 MouJack007 2017-11-26 22:44:14
【GNU 科学库参考手册】 GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual (3e) by Gough attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-21 5 1804 MouJack007 2017-11-26 22:44:14
【大数据的承诺与风险,大数据报告】 The Promise and Peril of Big Data by Bollier attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-21 23 2463 MouJack007 2017-2-19 15:49:13
【运算与数据结构】 Algorithms and Data Structures : The Basic Toolbox attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-21 19 2351 一只萌新lalala 2018-9-20 07:02:52
【微分方程】 A Friendly Introduction to Differential Equations attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-21 37 3996 tianwk 2020-1-17 13:30:34
【统计学思想,R 书籍,400+页】 Introduction to Statistical Thought by Lavine attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-21 115 8651 dongfh00001 2020-7-16 11:06:04
【数据结构】 Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 12 1698 iid_garch 2017-1-24 10:55:53
【统计学,600+页】 Collaborative Statistics by Illowsky, Dean attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 31 2707 kexinkeqing 2017-2-3 11:44:52
【C++ 编程】 Computational Physics : A Practical Introduction to Computat (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 16 2163 sthopeli 2017-1-25 00:57:29
【Springer 数学】 Applied Summability Methods attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 17 2731 tianwk 2020-1-17 13:27:15
【计算应用】 Advances in Computing Applications (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 7 1510 william9225 2017-5-24 13:11:22
【数学推理】 Mathematical Reasoning with Diagrams : From Intuition to Automation attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 29 2880 aggiewe 2017-2-10 21:16:20
【Python 书籍】 Computational Methods for Bioinformatics : Python 3.4 (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 50 5080 hotsunyue 2018-10-30 22:24:46
【统计学,国际版】 Statistics : The Art and Science of Learning from Data (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 67 8703 jmjyxdgh 2021-10-4 11:24:20
【数据分析,Python 书籍】 Mastering Python Data Analysis (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 101 6971 astar55 2017-1-25 08:26:14
【应用多变量统计,包含附带数据】 Applied Multivariate Statistical Concepts (2016 attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 92 5636 jjxm20060807 2017-10-11 20:01:28
【数据驱动世界的生物统计学】 Biometrics in a Data Driven World (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-20 21 2823 jjxm20060807 2018-4-12 23:07:15








沉潜ni 2020-12-22:
llb_321 2020-7-17:

Ac_p 2020-3-29:

HarryWanna 2020-2-14:

袁煜炜 2019-11-2:

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