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文库关键词:Springer  施普林格 


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【2018新书】Applied Analysis of Growth, Trade, and Public Policy attachment slowry 2019-1-28 16 3452 wangyong8935 2020-1-15 22:31:13
Computing with Data: An Introduction to the Data Industry attach_img 13950050756 2019-1-28 10 952 qgjtso111 2019-2-18 10:02:44
【2019版】Marketing Wisdom attachment slowry 2019-1-28 19 4299 wangyong8935 2020-1-15 22:34:05
【2019新书】An Investor’s Perspective on Marketing Excellence attachment slowry 2019-1-28 16 2801 wangyong8935 2019-12-4 17:12:40
【2018新书】The Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Inequality attachment slowry 2019-1-28 19 2354 taway 2020-9-17 17:29:16
【2018】Innovative Approaches in Agent-Based Modelling and Business Intelligence attachment slowry 2019-1-28 18 2778 allen515 2021-9-3 20:10:32
【2019版新书】The Future of the Global Financial System: Downfall or Harmony attachment slowry 2019-1-24 22 4295 wangyong8935 2019-12-6 20:58:38
The Future of Trade Defence Instruments: Global Policy Trends and Legal ... attachment slowry 2019-1-19 7 1521 hsofd 2019-1-24 13:41:33
Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0 attachment slowry 2019-1-18 15 3490 wangyong8935 2020-1-14 10:12:57
The Product Manager's Toolkit: Methodologies, Processes, and Tasks in ..., 2/E attachment slowry 2019-1-17 13 2931 wangstingneo 2022-11-23 11:44:31
【2018新书】Modern Corporate Finance, Investments, Taxation and Ratings, 2/E attachment slowry 2019-1-14 22 4825 三江鸿 2023-1-20 20:10:25
【2018新书】The Modernisation of State Aid for Economic and Social Development attachment slowry 2019-1-13 18 3858 wangyong8935 2019-12-31 08:00:09
Productivity and Efficiency Analysis (2018, Springer Singapore) attach_img bztian 2019-1-13 6 697 roger_qz 2019-2-14 10:28:33
Computer Models for Facial Beauty Analysis attachment Nicolle 2019-1-13 9 1118 Glorevo 2019-1-14 18:23:46
Quantum Computation and Logic attach_img 13950050756 2019-1-11 12 706 liguan11 2019-5-8 21:32:44
Handbook of Data Visualization attachment niu9146 2019-1-10 5 1003 阿扁V5 2019-1-20 10:28:59
Models of Computation for Big Data attach_img 13950050756 2019-1-10 16 1041 linyuehu2010 2019-1-11 09:35:36
【2019版】The Resource Transfer Problem: A Framework for Integrated Scheduling.. attachment slowry 2019-1-6 19 2962 wangyong8935 2019-11-11 06:46:05
【2019新书】Cost and Revenue Overruns of the Olympic Games 2000–2018 attachment slowry 2019-1-6 22 4487 wangyong8935 2019-10-11 20:21:58
Elements of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Forecasting attachment Nicolle 2019-1-5 41 3788 大臉貓|BFcat 2023-5-17 20:39:21
【Springer2019新书】【GTM176】Introduction to Riemannian Manifolds 第二版 attachment 北固隐 2019-1-5 10 5943 三江鸿 2023-1-20 11:55:33
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing_ Presentation Attack Detection-2018 attach_img bztian 2019-1-4 1 473 wl5f 2019-1-4 10:50:51
Recent Advances in Computer Vision Theories and Applications attach_img 13950050756 2019-1-3 10 485 13950050756 2019-1-6 01:29:01
Machine Learning Paradigms: Theory and Application attach_img 13950050756 2019-1-3 8 574 jiaminZ 2019-2-26 23:34:57
Elementary Analysis 2nd Ed (1论坛币) attachment simon_xa 2019-1-2 3 379 caifacai 2019-1-4 06:07:57
悬赏 Probabilistic Methods and Distributed Information - [已解决] attachment nivastuli 2019-1-1 6 1057 yuanjackson 2019-1-2 09:55:20
【2018新书】Advances in Time Series Data Methods in Applied Economic Research attachment slowry 2018-12-29 18 4198 wangyong8935 2020-1-18 17:43:02
【2019版新书】Revisiting Supply Chain Risk attachment slowry 2018-12-28 15 2606 slowry 2019-12-4 11:27:32
Active System Control: Design of System Resilience attach_img 13950050756 2018-12-28 2 232 wl5f 2018-12-29 07:25:59
Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences attach_img 13950050756 2018-12-28 2 299 wl5f 2018-12-29 07:23:17








lenore2005 2022-7-7:

stwamy 2021-12-1:

HeliumHe 2020-3-24:

Luzhaoyang 2019-10-11:

kl00195 2019-7-9:

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