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Introduction to Econometrics 4th Edition(国际版)Stock & Watson attachment leopoldwilson 2019-6-29 124 33250 rabbitbbbbb 2023-9-5 21:47:00
【合集】图灵原版数学统计学系列 40本 attach_img osakaanarg 2019-6-8 56 15095 yyss007 2022-10-18 05:36:21
Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide, 2nd Edition (True PDF) attachment hszest 2018-11-6 5 4115 jin2631816 2020-9-22 13:29:31
Springer Texts in Statistics 合集 attachment 347741656 2018-11-4 7 2984 dfcs008 2018-12-26 09:02:11
格致方法丛书64本 attachment 银临 2018-8-10 72 20797 南开大学王梓淳 2024-1-11 15:03:17
SAS for Forecasting Time Series 3rd attach_img igs816 2018-8-8 33 3441 miragew 2018-9-3 18:52:11
【C刊发表经验系列全集(第Ⅰ辑)】(免费共享) attachment digest boshilunwen2011 2018-7-31 313 73657 moqirongruo 2023-1-14 23:55:27
收藏:格致方法系列丛书PDF版免费下载(不断更新中) attachment mengchuanjin 2018-1-1 118 50532 黎塔 2024-4-24 09:52:10
现代投资组合理论与投资分析第九版 第七版 attachment qi495277290 2017-11-22 17 7760 bgwin86 2020-9-1 21:52:37
悬赏 求助一本书《Applied Ordinal Logistic Regression Using Stata: From Single-Level t - [已解决] attachment 20115326 2017-11-15 4 1442 tianwk 2020-3-26 22:43:58
计量经济学导论 现代观点_伍德里奇(第5版)中文版 attachment cnfly 2017-11-4 43 12089 jjo980519 2021-8-31 21:58:23
Probability for Statisticians (Springer Texts in Statistics) attach_img nivastuli 2017-9-27 10 2169 三江鸿 2023-1-28 14:03:53
Empirical Asset Pricing The Cross-Section of Stock Returns attach_img nivastuli 2017-6-24 9 2844 zhaowenjin 2023-10-3 22:22:30
Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes (Applied Stochastic Methods) attach_img flexlm 2017-5-20 5 2062 三江鸿 2023-1-17 18:30:46
时间序列与R!Time Series Analysis and its Applications with R Examples 4th ed attachment exuan1991 2017-4-28 126 13915 三江鸿 2023-1-26 11:33:18
Practical Time Series Analysis Using SAS attachment wakacheung 2017-4-11 8 2994 bodao 2021-1-27 11:43:42
时间序列分析 基于R 代码 王燕书籍 attachment xiaowangge 2017-3-27 68 32254 dreamunicorn 2022-9-3 20:20:32
Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis attach_img rdfztianpeng 2017-3-2 28 6943 tianwk 2023-10-1 05:34:55
Categorical Data Analysis by Example attach_img igs816 2017-2-22 47 3863 maplewoodmap 2017-3-17 16:32:53
Practical Guide to Logistic Regression attachment nelsoncwlee 2017-2-4 5 2042 tianwk 2020-3-26 23:40:41
【DSGE 模型的贝叶斯估计】 Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-13 64 9840 jjxm20060807 2020-2-16 20:03:53
【Pearson 教材】 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (3e) by Edwards attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-11 95 9496 hjtoh 2017-8-6 18:54:36
【统计教材系列】Probability and Statistical Inference (第九版,全球版 Hogg) attach_img wwqqer 2017-1-8 190 28062 ZOUHANBO 2024-4-8 21:09:44
【统计教材系列】概率与测度 Probability and Measure (第四版) - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2017-1-7 139 11170 Myty383 2024-5-5 19:54:31
【随机分析】 Introduction to Stochastic Analysis : Integrals and Differential Eq attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-7 40 14369 三江鸿 2022-3-16 00:21:27
【复变函数,最新版】 Complex Variables and Applications (9th Edition) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-6 31 14321 illdownload 2022-11-29 22:49:03
【程序软件系列】随机过程与R入门 Introduction to Stochastic Processes with R attach_img wwqqer 2016-12-30 127 17218 三江鸿 2022-4-24 14:08:16
【经典教材系列】Mixture Model-Based Classification - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2016-12-29 58 2448 三江鸿 2022-5-16 11:16:24
【统计教材系列】Applications of Measure Theory attach_img wwqqer 2016-12-26 82 7441 wl5f 2018-10-20 10:15:33
【博弈论】 Game Theory Through Examples (原版 PDF + 附带的 Excel 文件) attach_img cmwei333 2016-12-21 55 5341 Zig_zag 2017-4-17 16:44:31








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