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上海财经大学金融学院朱杰老师的金融计量经济学课件最新版 attachment 雨打风吹去 2015-7-3 9 4268 smilegzuhu 2017-5-6 11:25:27
Glossary to ARCH(GARCH) attachment accumulation 2015-5-21 3 2247 sherryhang13 2015-7-26 23:23:52
【经典教材系列】Introductory Statistics (第八版) attach_img wwqqer 2015-5-8 268 24581 三江鸿 2022-5-16 10:21:23
【经典教材系列】MATLAB with Applications to Engineering, Physics and Finance - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-5-2 180 11913 att006 2022-8-18 15:12:26
【经典教材系列】Statistical Inference(第二版) attachment wwqqer 2015-5-2 158 21083 三江鸿 2022-5-16 10:15:15
Probability and Random Processes attachment cannoyey 2015-5-2 8 3332 jjxm20060807 2016-10-3 21:03:37
Quantitative Finance: A Simulation-Based Introduction Using Excel - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-5-2 194 14419 三重虫 2021-12-30 19:03:37
【经典教材系列】Foundations of Predictive Analytics - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-4-30 90 10181 三重虫 2022-8-3 20:00:16
【经典教材系列】Stochastic Financial Models - [阅读权限 10]attach_img wwqqer 2015-4-29 137 11425 三重虫 2022-8-3 17:51:50
FINANCIAL MODELING attachment zhihaozhang1989 2015-4-25 3 3674 GGOD 2015-5-1 04:38:56
【经典教材系列】高频金融数据分析 Risk Estimation on High Frequency - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-4-25 76 6802 三重虫 2022-8-3 19:02:59
Analyzing Financial Data and Implementing Financial Models Using R attach_img wwqqer 2015-4-24 320 36688 att006 2022-8-22 10:36:24
Fischer Black and the Revolutionary Idea of Finance attachment accumulation 2015-4-22 3 3351 青菜好咸 2019-2-12 17:22:02
金融计量学课件(张宗新) attachment liuyuchun-cumt 2015-4-15 3 4567 湖大学子222 2017-2-26 22:21:38
期权定价的数学模型和方法.pdf attachment jerryshowx 2015-4-14 11 8317 tianwk 2020-2-26 06:19:36
CCER金融经济学课件 attachment accumulation 2015-3-28 0 1256 accumulation 2015-3-28 13:41:33
Predictability of Chinese Stock Market——pdf attachment accumulation 2015-3-28 1 1371 fantuanxiaot 2015-4-26 23:06:47
【免费分享图书收藏大合集】蒙特卡洛模拟 attach_img digest 牛尾巴 2015-3-24 363 52947 tagere 2023-10-4 15:01:52
【PDF下载】《复旦大学金融学研究生学位课程教材》全集(共八本) attachment reichswehr_cn 2014-11-14 42 16741 mynamecz 2020-6-15 10:51:50
Book: Computational Finance: Numerical Methods for Pricing Financial Instruments attachment riskpremium 2014-9-5 2 1746 auirzxp 2014-9-5 11:29:08
实证金融学 attachment 【童话】amao 2014-7-19 4 3927 caihongchn 2015-4-27 08:36:28
【书籍推荐】金融物理学:非均衡定价中的测量建模 attach_img shanshantz 2014-6-27 72 12409 wxxstar21 2021-6-24 09:27:58
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations attachment 83308131@qq.com 2014-5-19 4 2543 Nicolle 2016-10-17 08:29:27
金融交易策略大集合 attachment agodman 2014-4-3 12 4071 dxiaomowang 2016-12-17 13:00:28
Financial Modeling and Valuation (Wiley Finance) attachment Paradox8 2014-1-22 77 27676 Myty383 2020-1-29 03:43:15
《金融时间序列分析》分章思维导图与简评 attach_img xuruilong100 2013-12-1 80 29871 想着星星的月亮 2022-8-5 18:16:22
【免费分享】spss统计分析实用宝典——张红坡,张海峰等编著 attachment 泽涵111 2013-5-8 172 15879 悠悠仔 2023-2-23 12:17:03
Cochrane_asset_pricing_revised john课件 中级金融 attach_img 糊涂虫大哈 2013-3-31 97 15699 nanmo 2020-6-24 21:51:44
时间序列分析课件—附带程序 attachment parazhu 2013-2-8 11 3351 beibei2004213 2017-5-6 10:16:46
布鲁克斯金融计量经济学导论课件 attachment llrrjj 2010-12-9 8 4918 13798968162 2021-9-28 03:16:37








农村固定观察点 2022-10-23:

leelele 2019-7-5:

冰族王子 2015-10-21:

LLIIQQIINN 2015-10-8:

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