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文库创建人:Lisrelchen | 共同维护人: Nicolle 

New Occidental Research Centre
  文库主题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2nd Edition) attachment Nicolle 2017-6-22 33 3380 xiexie1111 2017-8-11 23:28:28
Reinforcement Learning with Python: Master Reinforcement Learning in Python With attach_img igs816 2017-6-22 59 6703 heinzmann 2018-9-29 11:15:02
【经典教材系列】加强学习入门 Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction 第二版 attach_img wwqqer 2016-12-25 53 9847 yshuise1 2023-1-11 10:45:53
Statistical Reinforcement Learning - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2016-5-20 213 13311 geniusdavid 2024-4-6 21:37:43
悬赏 Transfer in Reinforcement Learning Domains - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] Lisrelchen 2016-3-18 4 1558 jiaminZ 2018-7-28 15:10:59
悬赏 Qualitative Spatial Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment Lisrelchen 2016-3-18 2 1109 xdfhz 2018-7-22 10:25:22
悬赏 Adaptive Representations for Reinforcement Learning - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment Lisrelchen 2016-3-18 3 1152 Lisrelchen 2016-4-20 08:56:20
悬赏 Simulation-Based Optimization - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment Nicolle 2016-3-18 8 1790 〃时间宝贵 2016-4-18 09:33:32
悬赏 Design of Experiments for Reinforcement Learning - [已解决] attachment Nicolle 2016-3-18 6 1449 summers1985 2018-5-7 09:52:46
悬赏 Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming Using Function Approximators - [已解决] attachment Nicolle 2016-3-18 10 2445 jiaminZ 2018-7-28 15:09:24
Statistical Methods for Dynamic Treatment Regimes attachment 天狮 2016-1-23 0 1780 天狮 2016-1-23 13:29:50
Multi-Agent Machine Learning: A Reinforcement Approach - [阅读权限 16]attachment tigerwolf 2014-12-5 5 278 eeabcde 2017-3-16 00:46:00








hanszhu 2022-10-2:

qijiongli 2022-9-5:

MelodyFlower 2021-5-6:

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satelliate1028 2019-7-13:

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