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Mathematics NewOccidental

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现代概率论基础 Kallenberg attachment fuwell 2019-2-10 15 9753 三江鸿 2022-3-20 13:47:30
A First Course in Mathematical Logic and Set Theory attach_img 13950050756 2019-2-8 8 862 tianwk 2019-5-6 14:05:35
西交高数卷 attachment Waynewc 2019-1-23 2 873 金哥123 2019-1-28 22:02:17
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 8th Edition attach_img igs816 2019-1-20 39 2998 saplow 2022-11-12 13:02:32
A Most Elegant Equation: Euler’s Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics attach_img 13950050756 2019-1-15 10 593 13950050756 2019-1-17 14:43:48
大学数学:线性代数 戴天时,陈殿友主编,2004 attachment hylpy1 2019-1-7 9 1503 shgzzg 2024-4-22 23:25:19
悬赏 英文版数论导引 - [已解决] attachment 北固隐 2019-1-5 4 1035 dreamtree 2019-1-5 03:12:44
高等数学典型问题与方法 张志平编著,2006 attachment hylpy1 2019-1-2 13 1578 zhou_yl 2019-2-5 22:11:36
A First Course in Abstract Algebra (3rd Edition) (1论坛币) attachment simon_xa 2019-1-1 9 521 saplow 2022-11-15 21:06:40
奇妙数学史:数字与生活豆瓣评分9.8 attachment msdc168 2018-12-30 16 1062 sthopeli 2019-2-18 00:26:59
《数学术语详解词典》作者: 高希尧编 attach_img a2718281828 2018-12-28 5 573 3426999089 2019-1-1 14:33:32
浙大概率论教材(第三版).rar attachment msdc168 2018-12-26 14 856 512661101 2019-5-19 18:39:55
《高等院校教师教育数学系列教材·简明数学史》 attach_img a2718281828 2018-12-18 5 1290 tksfbz 2019-7-12 19:35:34
简明数学史 attach_img a2718281828 2018-12-18 2 785 wl5f 2018-12-20 05:30:46
Gamma-exploring Euler's constant Julian Havil attach_img a2718281828 2018-12-16 8 1140 龙笑周 2020-3-26 17:35:18
斐波那契-卢卡斯序列及其应用 attachment victorbian 2018-12-16 5 1480 yangwag 2018-12-25 19:11:25
《高等代数》(北大第三版)课件(北京大学数学系几何与代数教研室编) attachment hylpy1 2018-12-10 46 8048 ddjw 2021-12-13 11:36:08
好书推荐——【Linear Algebra and Its Applicat】 attach_img kein强 2018-12-6 4 1375 kein强 2018-12-7 01:03:32
《数学天赋 人人都是数学天才》(美)基思·德夫林著,2009 attachment hylpy1 2018-11-28 36 4289 13370323171 2019-6-17 12:51:40
《数学丑闻:光环底下的阴影》(美)西奥妮·帕帕斯著;涂泓译,2008 attachment hylpy1 2018-11-25 49 4589 hzhangchina 2018-11-30 07:34:20
[免币]大师新书《高维概率:入门和数据科学中的应用》作者Roman Vershynin attachment yuanz07 2018-11-21 15 4516 qgjtso111 2019-1-22 15:31:17
数学及其历史 attachment eastriver 2018-11-20 2 1438 heiyaodai 2019-12-29 09:53:40
Classical Mechanics with Mathematica attach_img zhongdian_sjtu 2018-11-19 5 506 江雨禾 2019-1-23 19:58:00
现代数论经典引论 A Classical Introduction To Modern Numbe Thery,Kenneth Ireland attachment hylpy1 2018-11-13 12 2567 sdlyzf 2018-11-15 18:38:17
【AMS新书】An Experimental Introduction to Number Theory attachment 北固隐 2018-11-9 7 1326 yangwag 2019-1-3 15:39:50
拓扑学习题集 邹应 attachment eastriver 2018-11-4 5 3396 三江鸿 2022-9-23 00:16:20
Markov Operators, Positive Semigroups and Approximation Processes attachment igs816 2018-10-29 12 592 512661101 2019-3-20 13:11:23
High-Dimensional Probability: An Introduction with Applications in Data Scie attach_img igs816 2018-10-26 42 2446 elf-tao 2019-2-14 10:34:21
英文版数学思维精要 attachment 古士齐 2018-10-21 32 3482 Xvideo 2018-10-22 23:32:47








renjiang_yd 2020-12-16:

rucanuo 2019-10-29:

472052783 2019-2-24:

auto42 2018-9-24:

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