人大经济论坛 文库 Crystal的外文计量书籍
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文库关键词:计量  统计  外文  书籍 


  文库主题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
【2014】Panel Data Analysis Using EViews attach_img kychan 2015-11-18 115 10450 winniegirlcn 2019-11-12 15:40:20
论坛首发资源!Applied Multivariate Statistics with R attach_img exuan1991 2015-11-14 39 5257 shihuachen 2023-2-6 14:19:16
【2015】Machine Learning in Medicine - a Complete Overview attachment oliyiyi 2015-11-1 402 13208 KevinSongNYC 2016-1-28 00:55:49
Learning Bayesian Models with R attach_img igs816 2015-10-31 88 7924 tianwk 2019-7-26 00:02:46
金融时间序列分析_蔡瑞松课件 attach_img 点缕随风再次 2015-10-21 69 15528 fuyanxuan7 2022-11-28 10:55:34
MATLAB R2014b中文帮助文档(离线网页格式解压后300多M) attachment Macer3 2015-10-14 51 20368 搬砖太累 2021-1-11 07:30:48
Sanford Weisberg 上课讲他的 Applied linear Regression 的 课本,slides 和 notes attachment hkyconan 2015-10-14 12 4675 想要变大神 2018-12-19 21:47:15
Time Series Econometrics: A Concise Introduction attach_img 大家开心 2015-10-3 23 3732 三江鸿 2023-1-26 22:39:52
R数据可视化手冊-中文完整版 attachment yms0420 2015-10-1 45 22333 Xvideo 2020-12-11 12:05:21
上海财经陶佶--高级计量经济学课件--最新2015版 attachment ylsn1006 2015-8-16 14 5188 xinshisi 2016-8-20 10:17:59
Econometric Evaluation of Socio-Economic Programs Theory and Applications attach_img 大家开心 2015-7-22 46 9496 caosy 2022-8-20 10:33:01
Introduction to Econometrics 3e update by Stock & Watson attach_img myimee 2015-7-22 157 42158 止旅之即 2023-5-27 16:31:07
【经典教材系列】Graphics for Statistics and Data Analysis with R attach_img wwqqer 2015-7-20 202 27515 jiangqihuashi 2023-9-21 09:35:27
Mastering R for Quantitative Finance 更新code attach_img igs816 2015-7-17 124 14185 paopao638 2019-1-18 09:24:12
Stata Journal 15-2 attachment spoonshen 2015-7-11 19 5286 hgt168 2018-2-19 10:41:41
[马尔科夫链]Markov Processes I by E. B. Dynkin attach_img lasgpope 2015-7-10 116 14265 三江鸿 2023-1-26 14:34:42
【2001】A Primer Statistics: Data Analysis, Probability, Inference attach_img kychan 2015-7-5 41 3296 Silenck 2015-10-7 18:11:57
[感谢Jerker上传]Introduction to Image Processing Using R attachment Nicolle 2015-7-4 102 9942 qinmidu6 2019-11-15 12:00:12
Francis X. Diebold的《计量经济学》 attach_img 夸克之一 2015-6-12 14 3553 夸克之一 2016-7-29 16:28:58
Instant R Starter attach_img igs816 2015-5-29 111 8730 pilk123 2015-6-27 14:34:29
Semiparametric Regression For the Applied Econometrician attachment 欢乐满人间 2015-5-26 6 2195 红色苏维埃 2016-5-17 20:26:50
Frequent Pattern Mining using R attachment Nicolle 2015-5-18 8 1756 soccy 2015-5-29 16:43:50
[求书]Statistical Computing in C++ and R Nicolle 2015-5-18 4 1794 Nicolle 2015-7-6 10:35:04
Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting attach_img 大家开心 2015-5-8 123 13702 blackender 2022-2-10 13:02:21
Introduction to Multivariate Analysis - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-5-3 162 12699 三江鸿 2022-5-16 14:22:03
【经典教材系列】Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis (第二版) attach_img wwqqer 2015-5-2 183 22689 lixiansu 2023-8-21 20:26:45
Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for the Life Sciences(R) attach_img igs816 2015-5-2 106 10136 bioyang 2017-6-16 10:23:53
Nonlinear Mixture Models : A Bayesian Approach attach_img 大家开心 2015-4-28 11 2974 ydc129 2016-12-17 19:31:24
Analyzing Financial Data and Implementing Financial Models Using R attach_img wwqqer 2015-4-24 320 36694 att006 2022-8-22 10:36:24
Regression Analysis for the Social Sciences attach_img 大家开心 2015-4-20 51 4900 cindyczy 2015-5-17 23:41:19








szq 2019-10-17:

弋安安冉 2016-1-30:

宏华 2016-1-26:

wq37 2015-7-23:

Nicolle 2015-5-18:
Great place,great books!

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