人大经济论坛 文库 Operations Research(运筹学)
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文库创建人:Reader's | 共同维护人: Nicolle 

Operations Research, Linear Programming, Optimization, Mathematical Modeling and More
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电子书:Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms (pdf) attachment linhan_china 2011-9-27 28 15079 effyggg 2024-3-18 12:43:31
悬赏 运筹学(概率模型应用范例与解法) 温斯顿 - [悬赏 100 个论坛币] attachment 梓霏 2011-9-23 14 7289 potatozn 2020-3-20 12:54:17
无数人急需的龚纯等著的《精通MATLAB最优化计算》附源代码!!! attach_img huishouzhong 2011-8-31 79 21686 shuwushimang 2021-1-26 11:11:51
Kamien and Schwartz《Dynamic Optimization》动态优化部分答案 attachment baclspace 2011-5-21 35 16883 a516755501 2022-6-1 09:56:44
lingo软件武功秘籍 attachment yijianpiao235 2011-5-7 1 1387 supstar 2013-1-29 18:07:58
《数学建模与数学实验》课件与MATLAB程序 attachment chxq03 2011-4-3 7 4224 tx1130463094 2015-4-19 16:27:00
GAMS培训材料(语法及案例) attachment sanvid 2011-4-2 16 6164 tianwk 2020-2-21 19:51:20
Introduction to Applied Optimization attachment alexhuang2137 2011-3-18 2 1474 lustboy 2011-3-18 23:12:28
linear Programming with Matlab 电子版 attachment kshen4 2011-1-26 1 2590 hisicon 2015-12-16 02:03:16
LINGO和EXCEL在数学建模中的应用 attachment wyj2270 2010-12-25 12 10361 plmokn100 2022-5-22 17:17:01
GAMS 使用心得+经验+技巧+实例(中文版) attachment xupu3517 2010-12-20 59 17238 1611140105 2021-11-21 12:00:07
【全国首发】Solution manual of introduction to Operations Research, 7th Edition attachment digest lanfeng0924 2010-12-16 116 31720 i10100100021 2021-7-6 15:16:09
Introduction to Operations Research, 8th Edition随书光盘 attach_img lanfeng0924 2010-12-11 50 13341 feiliman 2019-11-28 06:57:10
华中科技大学运筹学复习资料(基础版本) attachment tzlll1314 2010-12-4 20 15813 三江鸿 2022-4-20 14:51:59
上海交通大学考研840(老435)概率&运筹学历年真题及答案 attachment eugene9 2010-11-11 8 5180 pupa坤 2016-7-26 21:58:15
Elementary Linear Programming with Applications 2nd edition lehe 2010-11-7 1 3221 Reader's 2015-12-13 22:18:07
Nonlinear Programming by Bazaraa, 3ed attachment lehe 2010-11-7 6 6212 三江鸿 2022-3-30 16:07:22
Nonlinear Programming attachment lehe 2010-11-3 15 3913 lehe 2010-11-3 13:50:41
[Princeton - 2001] Linear Programming - Foundations and Extensions attachment lehe 2010-11-3 2 2001 tianwk 2020-2-22 16:53:55
系统动力学软件iThink.v9.0.2.英文正式版 attachment moses1970 2010-11-2 16 9033 葫-芦-娃 2021-2-24 05:20:25
有关Optimization的两本书(包含了动态规划,最优控制等) attachment musekiller 2010-10-10 11 8681 wxxstar21 2022-5-17 14:11:03
运筹学经典之《Linear and Nonlinear Programming》 3rd Edition attachment ximenglate 2010-10-5 44 13378 三江鸿 2022-3-29 12:15:34
introduction to Dynamic optimization attachment kobe3a 2010-9-17 7 3448 heyouwei2015 2020-7-19 22:16:01
Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, Third Edition attachment lawren290911 2010-9-12 16 6602 jlb951115 2019-10-23 10:29:17
非线性规划经典《Nonlinear Programming_Bertsekas》第二版 attachment shufe080607 2010-8-23 21 14207 三江鸿 2022-3-29 12:20:56
Linear and Nonlinear Programming 3rd Edition attachment aimms 2010-8-14 2 1761 wuhui1018 2010-8-19 19:53:09
江汉大学运筹学试题及答案 两套 attachment AUGUST麦芽糖 2010-8-10 5 6089 yuzhaoyu 2018-4-25 16:11:59
数学建模精品课程TSP问题及LINGO求解技巧(视频) attachment tianshidehua 2010-7-28 6 3338 yingxincai 2011-8-12 18:15:42
Lingo & Lindo 的资料整理(整理完毕,free)(含软件)_lindo使用方法 attachment hechangmail 2010-7-12 316 40236 hilbert_jiang 2017-9-21 09:25:24
08年第二版-Stochastic Optimization Methods attachment ningshisan 2010-7-12 3 1570 myzhang1982 2010-12-3 12:20:34








Anne98916 2022-10-25:

邓太公 2017-10-28:

paul_son 2017-10-21:

金园区0 2017-1-7:

yijianpiao235 2016-2-19:

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