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文库关键词:股市真经秘籍  金融  投资  交易  中英文典籍打尽集 


股市真经秘籍,金融 投资 交易 中英文典籍打尽集
  文库主题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
彼得·伯恩斯坦《投资革命》 attachment 静水深流 2011-11-25 4 2144 ww@gg 2015-5-16 23:02:02
程序化交易基础 (数量分析与编程)(国内绝对很少见) attachment vsksing 2011-11-22 83 20583 xjjdlut 2015-3-27 10:08:21
关于price action 的一些图解说明 attachment forfuturebona 2011-11-19 10 3310 popopop 2015-9-12 19:07:31
[论坛首发] Robert Kolb (2010) Financial Derivatives Pricing and Risk Management attachment midi51 2011-11-7 10 3345 jessie68us 2020-5-19 19:32:17
The Profitability of Momentum Strategies attachment 金黄色的风 2011-11-6 1 1223 Zoejuu 2011-11-10 20:37:59
Volatility Estimation Based on High-Frequency Data attachment yangke74 2011-11-5 0 985 yangke74 2011-11-5 00:54:10
《大而不倒》Too Big To Fail 中文完整版 attachment yiweidon 2011-11-4 32 21352 Alicement 2016-4-10 20:23:34
宝书:风险管理与金融机构(原书第2版):约翰·赫尔(John C.Hull) (作者) 中文版 attachment linpengsl 2011-11-3 124 36854 dongyadeng 2022-12-12 12:37:20
《日内交易策略(中文版)》戴维.班尼特 attachment 觅本 2011-10-23 27 13868 lucknow2011 2020-2-14 14:33:22
悬赏 300 币求 Swing Trading: Power Strategies to Cut Risk and Boost Profits - [悬赏 2 个论坛币] 99rabbit 2011-10-22 0 1347 99rabbit 2011-10-22 07:52:14
【论坛首发】Alpha Trading Profitable Strategies That Remove Directional Risk attachment peteryunnan 2011-10-17 16 6332 cedricporter 2017-1-22 11:44:55
两本彭博的教材,重在图文并茂 attachment vulp 2011-10-13 7 2258 沙麦 2020-6-8 20:17:36
悬赏 Trend Commandments: Trading for Exceptional Returns - [已解决] attachment 子飞鱼 2011-10-8 4 1726 EddieChiu 2016-10-11 11:40:25
悬赏 All About Stock Market Strategies - [悬赏 500 个论坛币] 木兰花 2011-9-27 0 772 木兰花 2011-9-27 11:02:33
(Wiley Trading) A Practical Guide to Algorithmic Strategies and Trading Systems attachment peascod 2011-9-14 4 2826 zhuhh135 2014-3-2 21:43:26
曲线的秘密:茨威格经典技术分析法 attach_img scyman 2011-9-8 4 1593 jackfuz 2011-9-10 11:49:10
周期理论与投资时钟学习资料集合 attachment 5526123zp 2011-8-30 1 2090 lihanye 2015-5-29 23:31:09
Dave Landry On Swing Trading attach_img scyman 2011-8-29 1 1674 moebi 2013-2-24 16:52:22
the diary of a professional commodity trader attachment shewenhao 2011-8-24 34 10699 greenwisher 2015-6-26 17:48:06
《安全边际》中文版——赛思·卡拉曼(免费) attachment 飞机特 2011-8-21 750 61590 静玺子 2017-8-7 19:01:58
The Big Short 大空头 精美完整中文pdf 版本 attachment yiweidon 2011-8-18 128 55131 shixin0702 2023-1-29 17:20:58
Market Risk Analysis (All Volumes) 共四卷 attach_img yiweidon 2011-8-15 167 41288 antili 2023-3-21 11:03:33
Trading Options at Expiration Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame attachment wangbisong 2011-8-2 6 3004 em000 2015-4-14 08:17:58
新书快递The High Frequency Game Changer How Automated Trading Strategies Have Re attachment wangbisong 2011-8-2 9 4731 becomeacea 2012-12-9 00:52:10
The Trader's Guide to key Economic Indicators 《交易员的主要经济指标指南》 attachment EC306 2011-7-29 1 2100 EC306 2011-7-29 16:44:28
股市价格量子跃迁论(完整) attachment 萧邦 2011-7-28 3 2231 tztosh 2018-5-31 08:04:21
投资丛林 attach_img scyman 2011-7-27 7 1718 tztosh 2019-4-4 11:45:17
Real Options: A Practitioner's Guide 2001版 attachment yuezi 2011-7-18 27 6005 vivian.yueyue 2016-5-3 14:29:12
“金融投资学”版块精华帖汇总-呕心沥血的收集! attachment heroxia 2011-7-12 18 3729 xql我主沉浮 2012-5-7 13:34:01








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