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文库关键词:股市真经秘籍  金融  投资  交易  中英文典籍打尽集 


股市真经秘籍,金融 投资 交易 中英文典籍打尽集
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《期货交易策略》斯坦利.克罗 attachment amanda2006 2010-4-8 23 4451 kempcat 2016-1-28 13:12:00
600多篇 Quant paper 刚刚网上下来的,全部免费,如果大家喜欢,请加精 attachment cnuk 2010-4-4 466 90483 三江鸿 2022-5-11 23:08:08
Bear Market Investing Strategies attachment cc06b 2010-4-4 3 1426 neilryan 2019-11-4 13:04:26
Advanced Options Trading: Approaches, Tools, and Techniques attachment michaelmai 2010-4-3 2 1572 gdcckim 2010-4-8 11:00:52
Quantitative Trading System (Howard Bandy) attachment bmwooooo 2010-4-3 3 5026 zhangibt 2014-5-22 00:01:17
[论坛首发] 原版高清版 Winning Edge Trading attachment davidoff6 2010-4-2 4 2417 thirstar 2019-8-19 19:09:55
[论坛首发] 原版高清版 LEFT Brain Trading attachment davidoff6 2010-4-2 10 3564 玛雅石 2010-12-29 10:24:01
【原版E书】Trade Stocks and Commodities With the Insiders attachment davidoff6 2010-4-2 7 3591 forhsu 2018-2-12 06:46:47
短线交易完全手册[美]琼·雷兹曼 attachment silvanus 2010-4-1 4 1420 fxr0719 2011-6-10 17:19:14
一些金融衍生品书籍 attachment guqingbo 2010-3-31 27 8198 zwnku 2016-1-26 13:40:12
哥伦比亚大学Dutta教授的Strategies and Games Theory and Practice attachment chinaunicom2010 2010-3-31 35 16510 三江鸿 2022-4-22 14:48:17
经济指标解读——洞悉未来经济发展趋势和投资机会(沃顿商学院图书)(中文) attachment silencelove 2010-3-30 19 6114 tangney 2019-10-5 11:33:24
自己收藏的电子书陈志武《金融的逻辑》、吴晓波《大败局I &II》等等PDF attachment han2599 2010-3-26 88 34210 zengxuan137 2018-8-23 10:52:56
宾夕法尼亚大学教授给的mini project + volatility_swaps英文版 + 交易员必读金融圣经 attachment tonitoni 2010-3-25 6 2857 luojir99 2011-1-16 09:24:58
[论坛首发]原版的金融数学类书籍,识货的人下 attachment davidoff6 2010-3-25 11 2624 chwwjj 2010-10-17 09:07:46
[不定期更新中]davidoff6出品,必属精品(回复即送好礼) davidoff6 2010-3-24 76 10050 valvet 2013-7-23 16:40:21
【免费下载】近百本好书! attachment 625165299 2010-3-21 6868 118275 yeyu1028 2016-6-22 14:02:16
国外权威金融随机分析教材 stochastic calculus for finance Steven E. Shreve 1-2 attachment zmathematics 2010-3-20 8 7319 三江鸿 2022-4-24 10:07:03
价值平均策略:获得高投资收益的安全简便方法.(美)迈克.E.埃德尔.扫描版 attachment davidoff6 2010-3-19 4 2505 fjpsf 2018-6-4 22:53:07
Options futures and exotic derivatives attachment Enthuse 2010-3-15 0 1269 Enthuse 2010-3-15 07:59:23
求书: Quantitative Equity Investing: Techniques and Strategies cnuk 2010-3-14 1 1980 见路不走 2015-4-14 10:50:54
Options, Futures and Exotic Derivatives attachment martinnyj 2010-3-13 6 4024 phdcs_2008 2017-3-19 17:41:03
Wilmott 网站全部pdf文章合集 attach_img cnuk 2010-3-12 42 9564 anderson2008 2016-4-1 16:20:44
大赌局-华尔街崩塌深度解密 attachment li380 2010-3-12 2 1402 fnsr 2010-3-12 10:37:00
《传奇交易家的实战投机术》(美)尼德霍夫 attachment li380 2010-3-11 13 5370 syf40765241 2020-10-25 10:44:37
高盛帝国 英文原版高清pdf attachment 19980401 2010-3-10 54 28520 Cheryl-5309 2018-10-13 16:18:57
关于华尔街定量交易员的最新力作——《毁掉华尔街的宽客》The Quants attachment phoennie 2010-3-8 15 8190 leiven 2017-12-23 22:52:26
期货交易策略 attachment laishicheng09 2010-3-7 12 2553 chenzhibin 2012-11-16 14:53:08
设计交易系统必备,资金管理类的好资料 attachment davidoff6 2010-3-7 16 4466 leveldc 2019-7-7 09:26:47
英文原版的市场交易类好书:从无序到简单 attachment davidoff6 2010-3-7 61 6333 forhsu 2018-2-12 06:53:59








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