人大经济论坛 文库 【数学+统计+计算机编程】
   (共 25 次打分)

文库关键词:数学  统计  Python  MATLAB  SAS 


1. 线性代数,应用数学,最优化,运筹,逻辑,趣味数学
2. 概率论,统计学,博弈论
3. C++, Elixir, Excel, Git, Java, Mathematica, MATLAB, Python, R, SAS, Spark, SPSS, Stata, Swift
4. 数据分析处理,大数据,机器学习,云计算
  文库主题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
【Mathematica 手册,800+页】 Mathematica Cookbook : Building Blocks for Science attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 52 6599 zonekid 2020-5-21 16:45:07
【互联网的未来与如何阻止它】 The Future of the Internet And How to Stop It attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 27 2531 edmcheng 2020-3-29 15:29:51
【衡量创新】 Advancing Concepts and Models for Measuring Innovation (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 29 2087 zhou_yl 2017-8-29 18:16:16
【大学代数,McGraw Hill 教材】 College Algebra Essentials by Julie Miller attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 29 4192 hjtoh 2017-8-6 15:51:36
【自然的数学理解】 Mathematical Understanding of Nature : Essays on Amazing Phys attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 34 3702 hylpy1 2019-4-17 14:15:51
【现代图论】 Modern Graph Theory by Bela Bollobas attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 22 5693 zydfyy 2020-6-3 08:44:44
【不确定信息管理的概率数据库】 Advances in Probabilistic Databases for Uncertain attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 9 1268 Jornason.Dai 2017-1-25 14:57:03
【定性研究】 Qualitative Research Methods In Psychology : Combining Core Approac attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 15 2710 hylpy1 2019-4-17 14:16:30
【Packt】 Mastering Xamarin.Forms (2016) by Ed Snider attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 8 2153 jiudianp 2018-3-2 13:32:44
【Scala】 Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving Using Scala (2016, 2e) attach_img digest cmwei333 2017-1-25 105 15165 三江鸿 2022-9-26 19:37:53
【Scala 编程,Packt】 Building a Recommendation Engine with Scala (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 18 4476 pyx1548 2017-11-23 08:42:47
【最优化】 Problem Solving and Uncertainty Modeling through Optimization (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 39 8093 三江鸿 2022-4-22 09:42:32
【数值方法】 Numerical Methods for Simulation and Optimization of Piecewi (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 27 3033 william9225 2017-5-24 13:04:33
【几何与拓扑学】 Smooth Manifolds and Fibre Bundles with Applications to (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 26 3883 liuxing2008_lov 2019-9-2 13:02:03
【统计理论与方法】 Analysis of Variance, Design, and Regression (2016, 2e) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 110 11114 三江鸿 2023-1-24 22:23:17
【人工智能与知识管理】 Theory of Knowledge : Structures and Processes (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-25 15 2802 grapetwo 2019-12-6 14:17:34
【新数学的政治史,数学教育】 The New Math : A Political History attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 20 2801 wl5f 2017-2-12 09:06:15
【数学欺骗的黑暗艺术】 Proofiness : The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 34 4603 zhou_yl 2017-10-2 00:47:51
【金融与能源的随机优化】 Stochastic Optimization Methods in Finance and Energy attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 22 2718 EugeneHsv 2018-1-16 01:22:50
【供应链与金融,计算机与运筹学研究】 Supply Chain and Finance attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 29 3407 hjtoh 2017-8-6 15:56:32
【Packt】 Angular 2 Cookbook (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 7 1571 MouJack007 2017-1-26 03:48:34
【定性研究】 Qualitative Research : A Guide to Design and Implementation (4e) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 37 5684 superhopemjz 2022-9-4 17:14:34
【物联网从宣传到现实:数字化之路】 Internet of Things From Hype to Reality (2017 attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 15 2223 skshao 2017-4-11 20:29:42
【商业统计学,最新国际版】 Business Statistics : A Decision-Making Approach (9e) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 82 9960 tianwk 2020-1-17 13:37:02
【Wiley 概率论】 Theory of Probability : A critical introductory treatment (2017 attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 110 19201 三江鸿 2022-3-19 22:32:51
【现代计量经济学】 Generalized Method of Moments Estimation attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 38 4391 hjtoh 2017-7-31 16:56:26
【商业数据分析】 Sport Business Analytics : Using Data to Increase Reven (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-24 38 5192 量子理论 2020-1-17 15:51:52
【Wiley 信息技术】 The Art and Science of NFC Programming (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 12 1696 acctoftony 2017-2-1 21:23:08
【随机过程应用】 Introduction to Random Processes (2nd Edition) by Gardner attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 39 4914 tianwk 2020-1-17 13:35:01
【大学数学】 Essential Topics in Mathematics : For Undergraduate Students (2017) attach_img cmwei333 2017-1-23 63 5479 三江鸿 2023-1-23 14:51:34








沉潜ni 2020-12-22:
llb_321 2020-7-17:

Ac_p 2020-3-29:

HarryWanna 2020-2-14:

袁煜炜 2019-11-2:

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