人大经济论坛 标签 time-series 相关帖子

tag 标签: time-series经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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stata做协整时遇到问题 Stata专版 奔跑的QQ糖 2016-5-21 2 2005 15754883176 2021-6-9 21:43:48
变量的缩尾处理 Stata专版 15271844450 2016-8-28 3 8173 15271844450 2016-8-28 20:44:02
factor variables and time-series operators not allowed Stata专版 人生若只如初见~ 2016-8-6 5 9361 夏目贵志 2016-8-9 10:41:54
悬赏 Production frontiers with cross-sectional and time-series variation in efficienc - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 hiderm 2016-6-14 1 1155 fumingxu 2016-6-14 11:31:01
关于时间序列分析的平稳性 R语言论坛 wyppt 2016-5-12 0 6660 wyppt 2016-5-12 20:55:34
悬赏 Price Risk in Supply Equations: An Application of GARCH Time-Series Models to th - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 yangnay 2016-4-20 1 596 fumingxu 2016-4-20 17:21:16
悬赏 Forecasting electricity spot prices using time-series models with - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 dliangfranklin 2016-4-13 1 487 giresse 2016-4-13 14:53:20
悬赏 Change-Point Detection with Rank Statistics in Long-Memory Time-Series Models - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 mico123 2016-4-8 3 1007 giresse 2016-4-8 23:15:25
悬赏 wald检验文献求助 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 Captain-CUI 2016-3-7 3 901 Captain-CUI 2016-3-7 17:27:55
写给新人的数据挖掘基础知识介绍 JMP论坛 lianqihappy 2016-3-6 0 743 lianqihappy 2016-3-6 18:26:43
面板数据GLS的分析 Stata专版 congtansong 2016-2-25 1 5977 statax 2016-2-25 19:58:04
写给新人数据挖掘基础知识介绍 attach_img 数据分析与数据挖掘 扬帆启航2014 2016-2-23 0 1100 扬帆启航2014 2016-2-23 13:46:09
xtscc命令与滞后一期解释变量 统计软件培训班VIP答疑区 满城叶 2016-1-18 2 4486 满城叶 2016-1-20 18:15:06
悬赏 变系数模型xtrc 出现错误time-series operators not allowed - [悬赏 2 个论坛币] Stata专版 anhuixueqi 2016-1-4 1 2219 夏目贵志 2016-1-5 07:56:51
第三课 引论 杨海文-井冈山大学数理学院-应用时间序列 yhw1234 2015-11-22 0 22 yhw1234 2015-11-22 22:36:28
Time-Series Econometrics —— A Concise Course attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 smartlife 2015-10-13 2 1016 桑闲 2015-11-22 19:47:43
DID分析问题 attach_img Stata专版 张斐 2015-11-15 3 3202 张斐 2015-11-16 12:10:51
DID方法的操作问题 Stata专版 张斐 2015-11-15 4 2839 张斐 2015-11-15 21:25:02
写给新人数据挖掘基础知识介绍 JMP论坛 lianqihappy 2015-9-18 0 704 lianqihappy 2015-9-18 15:59:32
stata软件介绍 Stata专版 huangshijun 2015-9-7 0 4000 huangshijun 2015-9-7 17:20:54

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