人大经济论坛 标签 elastic 相关帖子

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R中稀疏主成分命令中的para是什么意思? R语言论坛 statchao 2011-5-17 4 5639 summerlala1212 2016-2-21 17:34:40
浅析大数据时代的挑战与需求 数据分析与数据挖掘 shelly518 2014-6-3 1 1719 nightmarehelen 2014-6-5 16:28:16
悬赏 Approximations in elasticity based on the concept of the function space - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 hebaoxing 2014-3-28 2 624 hebaoxing 2014-3-31 09:26:02
云端数据挖掘系统免费开放使用 数据分析与数据挖掘 飞起一脚 2013-12-4 7 1607 飞起一脚 2013-12-8 04:48:56
请问几个弹性的东西 微观经济学 sonicyouth 2013-11-26 0 861 sonicyouth 2013-11-26 17:42:01
悬赏 Natural gas demand at the utility level: An application of dynamic elasticities - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 真龙121 2013-9-30 1 664 ssylzz 2013-9-30 22:48:47
悬赏 Quasi-incompressible finite elasticity in principal stretches - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 xinchuzu 2013-7-14 1 938 liuningzheng 2013-7-14 17:50:18
[轉貼] 云端BPM值得信任吗? 运营管理(物流与供应链管理) Toyotomi 2013-7-12 0 721 Toyotomi 2013-7-12 00:51:09
悬赏 Postbuckling Analysis of Continuous, Elastic Systems Under Multiple Loads—P2 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 chaoyang712 2013-4-24 1 595 dreamtree 2013-4-24 11:20:53
悬赏 Postbuckling Analysis of Continuous, Elastic Systems Under Multiple Loads—P1 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 chaoyang712 2013-4-24 2 530 chaoyang712 2013-4-24 11:20:47
悬赏 The Research of Acoustic Characteristic from a Submerged Viscoelastic Functional - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 semidefinite 2013-3-27 3 928 semidefinite 2013-3-28 01:33:30
分析称亚马逊已进化成一家大数据公司 - [阅读权限 5] 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) reduce_fat 2013-1-3 5 261 麦田里的守护者 2013-1-8 22:57:13
Dynare : Closing small open economy SGU(2003): 3.debt elastic interest rate attachment 宏观经济学 purple1984 2012-9-13 0 1020 purple1984 2012-9-13 11:10:44
揭开云的面纱 踏足云的世界 再犹豫该OUT了 新手入门区 dyjingji 2012-8-17 0 905 dyjingji 2012-8-17 11:40:05
虚拟化和云计算求同存异 openstack云平台 jimonannai 2012-6-23 0 1147 jimonannai 2012-6-23 23:08:38
在哪可以看到R包的比较详细的介绍呀~~~ attachment R语言论坛 Yokocx 2012-6-11 6 1595 Yokocx 2012-6-13 14:34:24
the income elasticity of demand需求的收入弹性问题 微观经济学 KharissA 2012-2-2 8 5383 龙族D王小狼 2012-2-3 01:47:24
求4片文献 attachment 求助成功区 zgj1984411 2011-12-1 1 726 xjqxxjjqq 2011-12-1 12:07:49
悬赏 求文献1片 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 zgj1984411 2011-9-13 1 794 xiaobo137 2011-9-13 12:20:26

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