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R之父的力作-R Programming for Bioinformatics attachment R语言论坛 cylo 2009-11-9 52 11132 炜炜123 2020-9-16 16:38:51
Bioinformatics Analysis of Genes and Proteins生统实用类书籍 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 80113444 2010-1-11 9 2028 qyfx770707 2018-8-1 00:39:59
r programming for bioinformatics attachment R语言论坛 qxde01 2009-12-29 7 2748 guorenfei 2016-12-30 14:53:23
【图书下载】 Data Mining in Bioinformatics【pdf】 attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 cellepy 2010-6-27 4 2375 benche 2016-6-12 14:57:57
Advanced Data Mining Technologies in Bioinformatics attachment R语言论坛 caocheng8230 2008-9-29 7 3652 clb_polaris 2015-12-5 23:52:32
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions Using R and Bioconductor attach_img R语言论坛 anning189 2007-4-3 59 17365 lisiyuan2015 2015-11-27 07:59:51
New Developments in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 chinachun 2010-7-8 4 2866 wh7064rg 2015-1-18 07:26:45
[分享]一本数据挖掘的书 attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 ichliebeyxl 2008-4-21 38 7689 a529916304 2014-5-1 14:20:26
顶级华人统计学家论文选 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 xiayun1987 2010-5-3 5 6676 abigail12635 2013-5-13 14:36:30
求互换定价文章! attachment 求助成功区 还珠楼主 2004-7-8 3 2782 fengbei_wuyu 2011-9-29 18:25:42
知识工程8本! 创业论坛 download2011 2009-11-17 1 1705 sz_lotus 2011-8-4 17:57:13
悬赏 【悬赏求助】(netlibrary电子书)Statistical Bioinformatics: a Guide for Life .. - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 eijuhz 2010-6-4 30 3420 eijuhz 2010-6-17 12:59:20
下载: 序贯数据挖掘(英文) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 research 2010-2-19 0 1293 research 2010-2-19 11:52:30
[Free] 4本R资料,希望对你有帮助 attachment R语言论坛 Biostatistician 2009-8-26 33 4941 yinjj 2009-10-31 21:53:46
[免费] R资料 attachment R语言论坛 Biostatistician 2009-8-8 9 2382 happyoldman 2009-10-18 14:02:59
各位师兄师姐帮我个忙吧,急需2本书但是我人在国外买不到 R语言论坛 helene86 2008-11-13 4 2080 helene86 2008-11-18 13:10:00
【感谢帮助6篇】求助文献8篇(有点多请版主谅解) attachment 文献求助专区 czshhh 2008-11-4 7 1772 creditperson 2008-11-7 02:40:00
重金求文献一篇 文献求助专区 weilinhy 2008-6-7 0 1407 weilinhy 2008-6-7 22:47:00
求 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions Using R and Bioconductor R语言论坛 crowntiger 2007-4-3 3 2964 yuzhou 2007-7-4 14:30:00

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