人大经济论坛 标签 differences 相关帖子

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爱上统计学里面提到的3篇论文!!求助 attachment SPSS论坛 飞舞雄鹰 2012-3-16 7 1743 xuanxuanaaaa 2014-8-27 15:18:15
【管理学】B2B市场管理 attach_img 管理科学与工程 wangzcstar 2012-3-3 27 5220 kenny750280 2014-4-29 00:02:42
2012年经济学综合815 经管在职研 Qing1989 2012-1-9 5 1166 Qing1989 2012-5-31 10:23:27
雅思8.5 口语总结 attachment 外语学习 jjj1989 2012-1-2 6 1164 weimin736 2012-5-14 23:14:16
【发展经济学】Economic Growth, Comparative Advantage, and Gender Differences 论文版 夸克之一 2012-3-22 39 4292 liuxiaobo0223 2012-4-10 17:59:43
请教对于法国35小时工作制度的看法 劳动经济学 shaoh1989 2012-3-12 3 1821 shaoh1989 2012-3-12 17:37:52
悬赏 求助文献一篇 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 siduohan 2012-3-11 2 666 siduohan 2012-3-11 20:23:11
悬赏 Productivity differences across employers: the roles of employer size, age - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 yinhezhiwang 2012-3-11 2 1049 wuminann 2012-3-11 15:37:24
stata 的一个作业不会写…… attachment Stata专版 、无缺 2012-1-12 0 1793 、无缺 2012-1-12 17:31:47
英文文献 attachment 金融学(理论版) 金黄色的风 2011-12-9 1 716 bF73fVWB 2011-12-11 06:36:46
The effects of organizational differences and trust on the effectiveness of attachment 求助成功区 a20060770 2011-12-4 2 852 a20060770 2011-12-4 20:41:40
悬赏 文献求助+工作满意度英文文献、书籍 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 penguin0606 2011-11-16 2 1751 liuningzheng 2011-11-16 11:29:31
Sex Differences in the Use of Anticipatory Brain Activity to Encode Emotional Ev attachment 求助成功区 兵哥哥 2011-11-14 2 816 wydj0549 2011-11-14 13:08:55
真诚求助英文文献一篇 文献求助专区 dddyyyhhh 2011-11-2 2 807 dddyyyhhh 2011-11-2 22:02:16
first-differences estimator 计量经济学与统计软件 tnt131sos 2011-10-7 0 4870 tnt131sos 2011-10-7 10:26:33
悬赏 求SD文献 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 zhanghui123 2011-10-6 2 575 xiaobo137 2011-10-6 16:59:56
求助英文文献2篇 attachment 求助成功区 dddyyyhhh 2011-9-23 1 742 4067560 2011-9-24 00:54:29
请问DYADIC DIFFERENCES 怎么翻译 文献求助专区 wolf3769 2011-9-22 0 836 wolf3769 2011-9-22 23:06:11
agglomeration economies and productivity differences in US cities attachment 求助成功区 区域经济爱好者 2011-9-15 2 965 区域经济爱好者 2011-9-15 23:15:46
悬赏 重求EBSCO文献一篇 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 sstxwx 2011-9-5 2 743 sstxwx 2011-9-6 01:09:41

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