人大经济论坛 标签 Algorithm 相关帖子

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悬赏 Real-World Algorithms A Beginner's Guide - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 xdfhz 2019-8-6 3 1015 Mengguren15 2023-3-6 18:23:42
Graph Algorithms Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j attach_img 数据分析与数据挖掘 nivastuli 2019-7-17 2 1365 jsnwnikn 2022-12-23 22:06:14
悬赏 An approach for impact structure optimization using the robust genetic algorithm - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 victorbian 2019-8-19 1 451 三江鸿 2022-4-29 09:09:39
悬赏 Learn Data Structures and Algorithms with Golang - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2019-7-10 4 962 xinqinet 2021-4-19 14:52:21
Introduction to Algorithms for Data Mining and Machine Learning attach_img 机器学习 igs816 2019-6-24 12 1991 alanjanie 2020-10-20 10:08:30
Python Data Structures and Algorithms python论坛 tyu1999 2019-8-24 2 1076 18328336156 2020-4-1 10:47:49
【2019新书】Data versus Democracy: How Big Data Algorithms Shape Opinions and .. attachment 金融学(理论版) slowry 2019-7-3 37 4493 wangyong8935 2019-11-3 13:04:39
悬赏 Network Flow Algorithms - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 nivastuli 2019-8-22 2 447 nivastuli 2019-8-22 16:46:49
算法(algorithm)手写代码必备手册(C++版) 余腊生-中南计算机-数据结构开放式精品课程 yazxf 2019-7-30 0 0 sacromento 2019-7-30 15:49:46
悬赏 Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Python : Write Complex and Powerful - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 nivastuli 2019-7-29 2 727 nivastuli 2019-7-29 17:46:45
Hands-On Data Structures Algorithms with Python 文献求助专区 nivastuli 2019-7-15 2 826 bkm006 2019-7-25 12:14:58
算法第四版,算法导论 attachment Scala及其他JVM语言 leon3389 2019-6-12 2 2003 andytaoqpqe 2019-7-8 15:58:04
悬赏 【独家发布】Learn Data Structures and Algorithms with Golang - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2019-7-6 0 971 Nicolle 2019-7-6 08:36:31
悬赏 Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Python - [悬赏 1000 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 nivastuli 2019-6-29 3 908 bkm006 2019-7-3 10:21:39
Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology: With Algorithms in MATLAB (2019) attachment 经济金融数学专区 leanhnhat 2019-6-13 1 1258 金哥123 2019-6-25 20:13:29
【数据结构与运算】 R Data Structures and Algorithms (2016) 余腊生-中南计算机-数据结构开放式精品课程 cmwei333 2019-6-24 0 1 yangming98 2019-6-24 17:23:51
区块链技术之哈希算法 宏观经济学 心想事成1314 2019-6-20 0 761 心想事成1314 2019-6-20 13:12:22

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