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悬赏 求助Journal of derivative文章一篇。 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 朱佳琪 2019-8-20 3 639 Mengguren15 2021-8-7 11:26:13
【学习笔记】#求# Pricing and trading interest rate derivatives a practic ... attach_img 学道会 DD89757 2019-8-24 4 1033 DD89757 2020-11-29 23:16:53
谁有:Applied quantitative finance for equity derivatives - 2nd edition 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 martingale08 2019-8-10 1 1312 hmn21200 2020-3-8 23:04:01
【学习笔记】Derivatives: Theory and Practice 学道会 許寧 2019-11-3 3 676 atwoodcloyd 2020-3-1 13:20:06
【学习笔记】L2 derivatives investment(1) attach_img 学道会 zhxfish 2019-9-28 2 433 alexwx@126.com 2020-2-5 00:16:12
【学习笔记】求 1)commodity derivatives - market and applications , by N ... 学道会 Refresher 2019-11-10 0 340 Refresher 2019-11-10 07:55:43
【学习笔记】求书: Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives 学道会 gtattender 2019-11-4 0 352 gtattender 2019-11-4 23:49:43
【学习笔记】求书:Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives 学道会 gtattender 2019-11-2 0 301 gtattender 2019-11-2 19:31:34
【学习笔记】Derivative basics - CFA level 1 attach_img 学道会 贝壳里的心事 2019-10-18 1 449 jessie68us 2019-10-19 00:59:45
【学习笔记】请问有John hull,options,futures,and other derivatives,10 ... 学道会 9040_1569676516 2019-9-28 0 994 9040_1569676516 2019-9-28 21:20:12
悬赏 An empirical study of platform and derivative product development projects - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 victorbian 2019-9-4 4 394 taeyeonfan 2019-9-4 09:40:25
悬赏 求助英文文章 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 martingale08 2019-8-31 3 515 wenmailvyan 2019-9-1 16:01:43
derivatives analysis with pyth python论坛 EchoLeiOCA 2019-8-28 1 482 EchoLeiOCA 2019-8-28 21:57:22
悬赏 The Journal of Derivatives 文献求助A Simple Accurate Binomial Tree for Pricing - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 sunlihua 2019-8-21 1 572 sunlihua 2019-8-26 17:04:28
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives by John C Hull (2014)中文版 爱问频道 vv1231 2019-8-20 0 793 vv1231 2019-8-20 13:06:26
谁有以下文章? 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 martingale08 2019-8-17 1 400 escaflowne1985 2019-8-17 13:45:24
谁有Manufacturing and managing custom-driven derivatives 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 martingale08 2019-8-10 2 595 martingale08 2019-8-15 08:17:13
求一篇文献,谢谢 文献求助专区 舟楫眇然自此去4 2019-8-5 2 423 舟楫眇然自此去4 2019-8-12 14:43:35
谁有:Pricing and Trading Interest Rate Derivatives: a practical guide to swaps 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 martingale08 2019-8-10 0 1480 martingale08 2019-8-10 10:33:50

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