人大经济论坛 标签 Attention 相关帖子

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《注意力商人》 The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Head attachment 市场营销 peterorbobby 2017-1-5 27 11025 别的名字 2019-5-27 09:58:59
The large-scale neural network for spatial attention displays multifunction.. 人工智能论文版 DL-er 2018-2-4 0 349 DL-er 2018-2-4 04:30:02
A neural network model for selective attention in visual pattern recognitio.. 人工智能论文版 AIworld 2018-1-31 0 408 AIworld 2018-1-31 03:59:58
悬赏 How Does More Attention to Subjective Well-Being Affect Subjective Well-Being - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 wfldragon 2017-12-26 1 544 high-templar 2017-12-26 12:30:31
A neural network model for selective attention in visual pattern recognition 人工智能论文版 论文库 2017-10-29 0 464 论文库 2017-10-29 11:30:01
悬赏 Portfolio choice, attention allocation, and price comovement - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 deem 2017-10-17 1 518 明秀南 2017-10-17 21:23:04
悬赏 Pricing When Customers Have Limited Attention - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 下雨就打伞 2017-8-23 2 446 heracles1977 2017-8-23 20:50:40
签到 坛友说 chenming831 2017-4-14 0 144 chenming831 2017-4-14 09:06:01
悬赏 Rational Inattention to Discrete Choices: A New - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 kuailemyt 2017-2-10 5 897 xinchuzu 2017-2-10 23:19:13
<口语>雅思听力阅读9分!口语却一败涂地的经验教训 外语学习 小楼昨夜High 2016-5-5 4 1874 csuzz88888888 2016-5-31 08:34:05
真正受过教育的人,思维方式应是这样的... attach_img 学术道德监督 nice生活圈 2016-5-26 31 3566 RDJJLTXMJ 2016-5-28 13:55:13
【独家发布】【转载】您是“眼球型”股票炒家吗?! 行为经济学与实验经济学 fumingxu 2016-5-21 8 1134 h2h2 2016-5-24 02:12:33
悬赏 SD:Sticky prices or rational inattention - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 yyc0714 2016-3-29 2 482 yyc0714 2016-3-29 12:29:02

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