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【军事经济学】 Military Economics : The Interaction of Power and Money 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 cmwei333 2022-7-30 0 4 wiskis 2022-7-30 10:04:25
R数据分析:数据清洗的思路和核心函数介绍续 R语言论坛 codewar 2022-2-19 1 4197 maolo928 2022-2-20 07:53:53
2021-2027全球及中国充气诱饵行业研究及十四五规划分析报告 能源经济学 qyresearch 2021-1-29 1 292 三重虫 2021-7-7 14:16:28
2021-2027中国充气诱饵市场现状及未来发展趋势 能源经济学 qyresearch 2021-1-29 1 643 三重虫 2021-7-7 14:16:06
悬赏 The Military Drivers of China’s Belt and Road Endeavor - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 aku2008 2021-4-17 1 694 bkm006 2021-4-18 23:08:39
commercial and military uses of outer space (2021) attach_img 金融实务版 loneshark 2021-3-2 1 547 黄云0429 2021-3-3 17:19:53
悬赏 求助:The future of US military superiority - [悬赏 20 个论坛币] attach_img 文献求助专区 kedaotuandui 2020-9-22 0 525 kedaotuandui 2020-9-22 20:22:03
悬赏 求助Psychology and the military: Research applications and trends - [阅读权限 10]- [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 4067560 2020-9-8 4 165 4067560 2020-9-9 08:39:17
悬赏 求助:AI weapons in China's military innovation - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 kedaotuandui 2020-8-11 1 458 bkm006 2020-8-11 09:10:05
悬赏 文献求助 - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 feiyufans 2020-6-28 1 407 bkm006 2020-6-28 18:32:51
Zhao Minghao:China, U.S. seek new military relatio 一带一路 一带一路数据 2018-11-11 0 317 一带一路数据 2018-11-11 07:22:04
Trump hails dialogue with N Korea after Pyongyang military parade 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) xujingjun 2018-9-17 0 448 xujingjun 2018-9-17 10:49:19
中国首个海外军事基地设在吉布提 一带一路 一带一路新闻 2018-9-13 0 399 一带一路新闻 2018-9-13 03:00:47
outsourcing war to machines - the military robotics revolution (2018) attach_img 金融实务版 loneshark 2018-8-29 3 578 zhou_yl 2018-8-29 10:36:47

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