人大经济论坛 标签 Lecture 相关帖子

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Ito's Tata Institute lecture on stochastic processes attachment 经济金融数学专区 lgc_2001 2012-3-4 2 1233 三江鸿 2023-1-17 19:59:17
Jan K. Brueckner, "Lectures on Urban Economics" attachment 国民经济管理 yechunyi 2011-12-3 9 5020 三江鸿 2022-11-4 08:17:56
洪永淼计量教材 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 tiankong2136 2012-1-31 9 3655 xgll2014 2020-6-19 19:24:14
R Lectures from University of Oxford attach_img R语言论坛 huishouzhong 2011-9-12 3 1298 tianwk 2019-7-23 23:42:48
Lecture Notes in Contract Theory 2010 attachment 博弈论 tonyyang 2011-12-31 121 11969 日新少年 2018-5-24 01:56:09
沃顿金融学公司金融PhD讲义(Wharton PhD lecture notes on Corporate Finance) attachment 学术资源/课程/会议/讲座 ivanzhuxc 2012-1-27 33 8143 fyx122 2017-6-12 20:56:29
非常想了解一下中国投行发展和运行的现状,有木有哪位大侠愿意伸出援助之手指点一二? 爱问频道 kyle920 2012-2-3 1 1287 堇问, 2014-3-16 11:27:55
Acemoglu经典宏观教材及习题解析,2011秋季MIT课程syllabus,lecture ppt! attachment 宏观经济学 jessie1917 2011-12-31 7 3138 aggie324 2013-6-28 02:59:02
Lectures on Gaussian Processes attachment 经济金融数学专区 wendy0329 2012-1-18 25 3138 08jlhq 2013-4-28 10:48:27
MIT MATLAB教程第二弹 原汁原味的lecture和homework attachment MATLAB等数学软件专版 gamex 2011-9-19 5 1744 binbon110 2012-10-8 15:53:13
哈佛大学博士资产定价课件(Harvard University PhD Asset Pricing Lecture Notes) attachment 休闲灌水 ivanzhuxc 2012-1-27 7 2821 eagle0901 2012-4-2 23:26:49
耶鲁:金融市场 attach_img 金融学(理论版) corybuffett 2012-1-25 9 1624 veradew 2012-2-5 16:31:05
David Levermore Lecture Notes attachment 金融学(理论版) annoyinginging 2011-12-7 1 936 岳志强 2011-12-7 11:49:59
Lecture Notes in Microeconomic Theory by Ariel Rubinstein attach_img 会计与财务管理 yiyunmyxue 2011-12-6 2 818 shmilxxj 2011-12-6 22:18:37
广告创意解碼 attachment 市场营销 096001 2011-11-20 2 1195 xiaosm 2011-11-30 00:39:51
计量经济学Lecture attachment EViews专版 vicki0991 2011-11-9 4 891 gaoxinsynge 2011-11-9 20:59:35
International money and banking lecture notes attachment 休闲灌水 tianxinghan 2011-11-1 0 914 tianxinghan 2011-11-1 07:32:08
求Jan K. Brueckner《Lectures on urban economics》 文献求助专区 econlover 2011-10-6 0 1791 econlover 2011-10-6 00:20:20
course lecture 金融学(理论版) ericlihui 2011-9-15 0 596 ericlihui 2011-9-15 17:11:26

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