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Asymptotics in Statistics: Some Basic Concepts attachment LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2015-5-21 18 3772 湘中竖子 2023-8-31 10:03:11
【经典教材系列】Statistical Tests of Nonparametric Hypo attach_img 计量经济学与统计软件 wwqqer 2015-7-19 106 11225 三江鸿 2023-1-24 17:07:44
【经典教材系列】Large Deviations and Asymptotic Methods in Finance attach_img 金融学(理论版) wwqqer 2015-7-21 37 4651 yanjunwh 2022-9-11 21:29:06
Asymptotic Theory of Statistics and Probability attachment 量化投资 lasgpope 2015-4-16 14 10266 三江鸿 2022-3-19 22:50:11
分析中的渐进逼近方法(Asymptotic Methods in Analysis by N. G. DE Bruijn) attach_img 经济金融数学专区 hylpy1 2015-3-29 7 2981 Xvideo 2020-9-5 03:26:58
悬赏 A generalization of Kendall’s tau and the asymptotic efficiency of the correspo - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 internet.hzx 2015-10-8 3 798 Mengguren15 2020-3-14 19:43:28
【经典教材系列】Dynamic Nonlinear Econometric Models: Asymptotic Theory - [阅读权限 14]attach_img 计量经济学与统计软件 wwqqer 2015-6-24 92 6194 cristineharbe 2019-9-28 23:28:12
怎样分析单位根检验结果 EViews专版 byhstsxmn 2015-3-27 3 8418 海奶 2017-7-18 23:50:29
Asymptotics in Statistics: Some Basic Concepts attachment 风险管理 shiningwang1980 2015-9-9 2 1687 eeabcde 2016-7-29 00:56:43
[金融中的噪音]Asymptotic Chaos Expansions in Finance attach_img 量化投资 林海忠 2015-4-4 87 8788 kyle2014 2016-6-26 14:16:35
Asymptotic Methods in Probability and Statistics with Applications LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2015-5-21 10 3331 babybaby 2015-10-20 06:19:13
悬赏 求助JOE文献“New tools for understanding the local asymptotic power of panel uni - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 zhaomn200145 2015-6-11 2 636 auirzxp 2015-6-12 00:11:00
悬赏 求助JOE文献“Some new asymptotic theory for least squares series” - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 zhaomn200145 2015-6-11 2 833 auirzxp 2015-6-12 00:08:18
悬赏 Asymptotic behaviour of tests for a unit root against an explosive alternative - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 dandan0407 2015-5-27 2 688 dandan0407 2015-5-27 09:09:12
悬赏 Uniform asymptotic estimate for finite-time ruin probabilities of a time-depende - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 yhzhong 2015-5-3 2 1027 yhzhong 2015-5-3 18:32:30
Asymptotics of Implied Volatility to Arbitrary Order 2014 attachment 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 liuyuchun-cumt 2015-4-12 0 1209 liuyuchun-cumt 2015-4-12 09:11:30
悬赏 求助李龙飞老师的Asymptotic distributions of quasi-maximum likelihood estimators - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 临风看云 2015-4-10 1 933 giresse 2015-4-10 13:37:45
我进行了单位根检验但是结果不会看,求各位大神指导 EViews专版 花雅 2015-3-18 4 1816 祝贺人大 2015-3-18 21:48:05
【论坛首发】Geometrical Foundations of Asymptotic Inference 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 wh7064rg 2015-2-16 0 2 lnulxg 2015-2-16 06:49:04
【论坛首发】From Finite Sample to Asymptotic Methods in Statistics 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 wh7064rg 2015-2-16 0 2 lnulxg 2015-2-16 06:47:45

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