人大经济论坛 标签 Medicine 相关帖子

tag 标签: Medicine经管大学堂:名校名师名课


版块 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine attachment 卫生经济学 qqshh1230 2017-9-24 2 1623 watermelon爱学习 2020-3-31 17:17:33
Statistical Methods in Diagnostic Medicine, Second Edition 诊断医学的统计方法 attachment R语言论坛 weimo1234 2017-10-31 0 1012 weimo1234 2017-10-31 16:43:31
悬赏 The value of socialized medicine - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 shanxianmin2011 2017-10-23 1 404 high-templar 2017-10-23 19:55:23
科学家发现:人死后意识在 能听到医生宣布死讯 休闲灌水 流星菜园 2017-10-20 0 674 流星菜园 2017-10-20 19:44:44
Selected techniques for data mining in medicine 人工智能论文版 AIworld 2017-9-25 0 367 AIworld 2017-9-25 05:00:02
EB to get better 坛友说 于楠miaote 2017-9-21 0 189 于楠miaote 2017-9-21 23:34:30
Machine Learning in Medicine attachment 人工智能论文版 AIworld 2017-9-21 1 485 张智博 2017-9-21 12:27:50
Better medicine through machine learning 人工智能论文版 AIworld 2017-9-21 0 346 AIworld 2017-9-21 10:00:02
Predicting the Future - Big Data, Machine Learning, and Clinical Medicine 人工智能论文版 论文库 2017-9-17 0 664 论文库 2017-9-17 01:30:00
求statistics in medicine的latex模板 LATEX论坛 mark91 2017-8-27 2 1343 mark91 2017-9-16 11:54:05
【报告精选】Cancer medicines shortages in Europe PDF attach_img 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) william9225 2017-5-22 25 2106 laswell1978 2017-5-25 20:45:58
A Gentle Introduction to Support Vector Machines in Biomedicine attachment LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2017-2-27 3 988 dxystata 2017-2-28 07:44:43
鼻咽癌Nasopharyngeal_Carcinoma_Keys_for_Translational_Medicine_and_ attachment 休闲灌水 调皮小丑 2017-2-7 1 745 viva_viva 2017-2-7 20:15:28
【独家发布】【朝花夕拾-强身健心】-大快朵颐之后肚子痛?别急,也许不是食物的错! attach_img 休闲灌水 fumingxu 2016-12-10 1 784 fumingxu 2016-12-10 21:14:14
悬赏 万方文献一篇 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 oliyiyi 2016-7-29 4 934 oliyiyi 2016-7-29 16:07:41

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