人大经济论坛 标签 deliver 相关帖子

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悬赏 【求书】Delivering Public Services in Western Europe - [悬赏 30 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 winterkey 2023-2-5 0 187 winterkey 2023-2-5 15:59:44
2022年Deliveroo企业数据分析 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) ewfwedwd 2022-12-24 0 227 ewfwedwd 2022-12-24 02:54:31
2022年Delivery Hero企业数据分析 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) esfdsw 2022-12-14 0 235 esfdsw 2022-12-14 16:36:22
Delivery Hero企业分析报告 attachment 企业分析报告 esfdsw 2022-11-25 0 212 esfdsw 2022-11-25 19:16:17
悬赏 Intratumoral delivery of IL-12 and IL-27 mRNA using lipid nanoparticles for canc - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-8 4 1227 giresse 2022-11-13 15:59:12
悬赏 Cell-Selective Messenger RNA Delivery and CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing by Modulati - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-10 4 410 giresse 2022-11-13 15:58:02
悬赏 Nonclinical safety evaluation of a novel ionizable lipid for mRNA delivery - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-8 6 1432 giresse 2022-11-13 15:57:42
悬赏 Customizable Lipid Nanoparticle Materials for the Delivery of siRNAs and mRNAs - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-8 4 1341 giresse 2022-11-13 15:57:01
悬赏 Lipid nanoparticles for delivery of messenger RNA to the back of the eye - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-8 4 1323 giresse 2022-11-13 15:55:05
悬赏 Delivery of self-amplifying mRNA vaccines by cationic lipid nanoparticles: The i - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-8 3 2797 giresse 2022-11-13 15:54:22
悬赏 Comparison of DLin-MC3-DMA and ALC-0315 for siRNA Delivery to Hepatocytes and He - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-8 4 638 giresse 2022-11-13 15:53:40
悬赏 Overcoming Endosomal Entrapment in Drug Delivery - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-9 4 411 giresse 2022-11-13 15:52:16
悬赏 Polymer-Based Drug Delivery Systems, Development and Pre-Clinical Status - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-7 2 398 bbslover 2022-9-8 01:24:33
悬赏 Imidazole-Based Synthetic Lipidoids for In Vivo mRNA Delivery into Primary T Lym - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bbslover 2022-9-6 2 528 bbslover 2022-9-6 20:16:32
即时杂货配送遵循数据驱动的生存之路(第 1 部分) 数据分析与数据挖掘 时光永痕 2022-3-25 0 3274 时光永痕 2022-3-25 11:20:02
悬赏 New mixed integer-programming model for the pickup-and-delivery problem - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 peterxu1969 2021-12-9 2 363 giresse 2021-12-9 19:52:45
大型IPO上市首日破发,新股破发意味着什么? attach_img 爱问频道 OEXN 2021-12-2 0 317 OEXN 2021-12-2 15:12:36
陕西延安康铜川宝鸡咸阳渭南杨凌汉中商洛榆林:各市区邮电局所及邮递线路(2009-2018) attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) zxzxzx90081 2021-10-14 0 431 zxzxzx90081 2021-10-14 19:34:35
福建福州泉州南平宁德莆田三明龙岩漳州厦门市县:运输邮电基本情况(2010-2020) attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) zxzxzx90081 2021-10-4 0 213 zxzxzx90081 2021-10-4 16:22:10

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GMT+8, 2024-5-14 02:32