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【独家发布】【2016新书】Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Complex Structures attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 牛尾巴 2016-8-7 23 1783 三江鸿 2023-1-13 20:48:40
【数据结构,剑桥大学出版社】 Compact Data Structures: A Practical Approach (2016 attach_img 金融学(理论版) cmwei333 2016-11-18 15 2701 一只萌新lalala 2018-9-20 07:09:02
《离散数学结构》(discrete mathematical structures, sixth edition)翻译版电子版 attachment 经济金融数学专区 zanshenshi 2016-10-11 7 6121 zanshenshi 2018-8-7 13:49:19
悬赏 求一本Python的算法和数据结构的书 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ldy3632739 2016-9-3 5 1547 giresse 2016-12-31 14:55:00
Data Structures and Algorithms Sorting and Searching attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 飞天玄舞6 2016-11-22 1 638 xinchuzu 2016-11-22 09:17:16
Algorithms and data structures in VLSI attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 飞天玄舞6 2016-11-22 1 634 xinchuzu 2016-11-22 09:15:11
Data Structures and Program Design in C++ attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 飞天玄舞6 2016-11-19 0 1255 飞天玄舞6 2016-11-19 10:56:03
悬赏 Gender structures in car availability in car deficient households - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ticket1988 2016-11-9 4 676 giresse 2016-11-11 16:06:15
悬赏 求: 3D Bioprinting of Cellulose Structures from an Ionic Liquid - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 nannan1102 2016-11-10 2 829 nannan1102 2016-11-10 11:32:17
Data Structures and Algorithm Clifford A. Shaffer attachment 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 mytoefl2013 2016-11-8 0 766 mytoefl2013 2016-11-8 11:42:48
Preventing Fraud and Mismanagement in Government: Systems and Structures (2016) attach_img 金融学(理论版) cmwei333 2016-11-3 5 1269 糊涂虫 2016-11-5 21:39:25
Handbook of data structures and applications attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 飞天玄舞6 2016-11-5 1 556 hyq2003 2016-11-5 19:29:14
【Birkhauser 数学】Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces attach_img 经济金融数学专区 cmwei333 2016-10-21 12 1859 yangwag 2016-11-2 09:55:54
【数据结构,C++】Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ (4e,原版 PDF) attach_img 金融学(理论版) cmwei333 2016-10-12 1 1906 fbfidwsa 2016-10-14 21:25:44
Data Structures, 3rd Edition attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2016-9-18 8 1262 pensifia 2016-10-1 18:42:03
Data Structures and the Java Collections Framework attachment JAVA语言开发 Nicolle 2016-9-18 5 847 pensifia 2016-10-1 18:41:29
A Course on Rough Paths With an introduction to regularity structures attachment 经济金融数学专区 weilinhy 2016-9-24 4 1239 caifacai 2016-9-29 07:40:12
悬赏 300论坛币求 C++ Plus Data Structures 5th Edition - [悬赏 300 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 dajianshi23 2016-9-1 3 1282 dajianshi23 2016-9-7 13:31:27
悬赏 Transport Infrastructures, CO2 Emissions and Economic Growth: New Evidence from - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 changle_1984 2016-8-25 5 673 changle_1984 2016-8-26 10:26:41
悬赏 Market Structures and Liquidity: A Transactions Data Study of Exchange Listings - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 blueskyy 2016-8-16 1 479 cmwei333 2016-8-16 12:02:06

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