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【让协商更有预测性:科学告诉了我们什么?】 Making Negotiations Predictable attach_img 商学院 cmwei333 2017-1-8 13 1347 alexwoooo 2021-8-24 13:45:56
【独家发布】【每天一本书-助力经管芯551】-Emotion in Group Decision and Negotiation attach_img 行为经济学与实验经济学 fumingxu 2016-9-13 20 2799 Sunlitzeng 2021-8-17 10:33:26
悬赏 Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at t - [悬赏 20 个论坛币] attachment 悬赏大厅 Enthuse 2016-3-11 12 2404 linke718 2020-9-10 18:10:19
《列维奇谈判学》《汤普森谈判学》必读经典!! attachment 版权审核区(不对外开放) 钟岳汐 2016-5-26 4 137 miro629 2018-10-3 05:55:54
【教材分享】Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Pearson attachment 商务谈判 dawn_st 2017-3-17 4 964 applaq 2017-5-16 07:12:30
悬赏 Opportunistic Behavior in Renegotiations Between Public-Private Partnerships an - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 xiezhongren 2017-3-15 3 655 evergreen5893 2017-3-15 16:08:24
【独家发布】【2016新书】Recent Advances in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 牛尾巴 2016-8-14 3 795 Y⊙Y⊙ 2017-1-24 13:49:34
[epub] [英文] 先倾听就能说服任何人: 赢得认同、化敌为友, 想打动谁就打动谁。 attach_img 金融学(理论版) petel819 2016-8-31 7 1352 yongh 2017-1-7 13:10:29
Securitization and distressed loan renegotiation 坛友说 chenjiakai 2016-12-23 0 384 chenjiakai 2016-12-23 03:25:29
发一本谈判经典著作 :《The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture》 attach_img 商务谈判 lzuwenght 2016-4-15 5 1544 tompare320 2016-11-4 19:02:55
Negotiations attachment 金融学(理论版) cheeko 2016-10-18 0 579 cheeko 2016-10-18 01:47:01
悬赏 Chapter 3 Mathematical models of group choice and negotiations - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ticket1988 2016-10-7 4 678 giresse 2016-10-8 07:48:56
悬赏 Contract negotiation and risk preferences in dual-channel supply chain coordinat - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 tamago1204 2016-6-21 1 738 giresse 2016-6-21 18:58:41
Handbook of Negotiation and Culture attachment 宏观经济学 李1翔 2016-5-4 0 741 李1翔 2016-5-4 08:15:15
德州父亲持枪对峙警察 只为保护儿子生命 休闲灌水 evaea 2016-3-28 3 709 evaea 2016-3-28 09:56:12
hope the negotiation would be successful! 坛友说 lilyzhao1208 2016-3-17 0 395 lilyzhao1208 2016-3-17 09:47:36
悬赏 求助內容 求购资料 研习课程相关的PDF和XLS - [悬赏 200 个论坛币] 悬赏大厅 cool_baby 2016-3-11 1 713 cool_baby 2016-3-11 19:57:00
多样化管理之工作环境中的多样化 attachment 灌水吧 adeline_tan 2016-3-2 0 624 adeline_tan 2016-3-2 09:28:20
Hope the negotiation went well! 坛友说 lilyzhao1208 2016-2-26 0 272 lilyzhao1208 2016-2-26 13:08:17

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