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Computation of Multivariate Normal and t Probabilities attachment R语言论坛 aimms 2010-8-27 4 2234 tianwk 2020-2-12 09:56:42
using multivariate statistics 免费送出 attach_img 计量经济学与统计软件 bweideng 2010-8-11 10 3970 tianwk 2019-8-4 00:49:50
[下载]The Multivariate Normal Distribution attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 brease 2010-4-15 6 2576 atwoodcloyd 2018-4-28 12:41:08
求教,怎么计算第97和3百分位数上的值? attach_img SAS专版 redaring 2010-4-28 5 12970 peking198 2016-10-30 20:58:06
多变量统计中的圣经:Multivariate Data Analysis(7th edition,非扫描版) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 gougou11 2010-4-23 39 11218 e0g411k014z 2016-7-12 06:19:33
用winbugs处理multivariate normal问题 winbugs及其他软件专版 dcflyer 2010-4-9 0 2505 dcflyer 2016-1-19 07:36:15
请问,如何用eviews6.0做multivariate GARCH? EViews专版 565081 2010-4-26 4 2788 ゛ヽ方向ゞ/ty 2016-1-6 11:18:53
该如何求出bivariate probit model个别方程式中的marginal effect? Stata专版 greensunlife042 2010-5-1 6 4927 echoflyecho 2014-5-9 10:38:22
新书:Multivariate and mixture distribution Rasch models attachment IRT理论相关软件 ahda02 2010-7-19 17 3780 tanjiuxiao 2013-4-10 09:25:21
寻找程序 attachment Gauss专版 zhushiyou 2010-6-21 9 1930 hawram 2012-4-20 22:35:55
免费下载Methods.of.Multivariate.Analysis 金融学(理论版) soundleon 2010-6-16 6 1808 yangxin789 2010-8-29 20:18:50
如何用EVIEWS建立Bivariate AR-GARCH Model EViews专版 Brucewz 2010-7-29 1 2550 Brucewz 2010-7-29 17:43:48
能用SPSS建立 Bivariate AR-GARCH Model吗? SPSS论坛 Brucewz 2010-7-29 2 3049 Brucewz 2010-7-29 17:40:41
求SAS作业 SAS专版 tongjilh 2010-6-25 7 2104 tongjilh 2010-6-26 09:20:04
【求书】(已找到,封帖停止求助)求 wiley 《Continuous Multivariate Distributions》 attachment 文献求助专区 jasoning 2010-6-15 7 1794 jasoning 2010-6-16 21:05:15
弱问:两数组相减 SAS专版 naivearies 2010-6-10 8 3795 naivearies 2010-6-11 10:07:47
Add a statistic box on a graph in univariate SAS专版 bobguy 2010-5-31 2 1571 soporaeternus 2010-5-31 11:00:13
【感谢0jzhang 】50论坛币求Journal of Multivariate Analysis上一篇文章 attachment 文献求助专区 spy1889 2010-5-13 3 1714 spy1889 2010-5-13 11:39:18
菜鸟弱问~~~高手请帮忙! Gauss专版 maybeuare 2010-4-16 1 1105 xuelida 2010-4-19 23:14:11
生存分析 统计软件培训班VIP答疑区 lihong184 2010-4-10 1 1506 ruiqwy 2010-4-11 18:42:37

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