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Daniel Zwillinger. Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae. 坛友说 zsx435 2024-4-16 0 0 zsx435 2024-4-16 15:34:44
Jim Albert-Probability and Bayesian Modeling习题答案/概率与贝叶斯建模 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) 2023Hua 2024-2-6 1 211 Lamarr-202110 2024-4-15 13:49:33
Sheldon M. Ross,Introduction to Probability Models第11版习题答案/罗斯概论模型 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) lotus_sss 2024-2-29 1 209 Hedy2030 2024-4-8 18:09:03
Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics attachment 经济金融数学专区 wxwpxh 2024-4-3 8 425 冰族王子 2024-4-5 00:00:16
high-dimensional probability pdf attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 kundeng06 2024-3-27 21 570 herryzhang 2024-3-30 10:53:27
Linear Algebra and Probability Theory I部分习题详解 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) mujahida01 2024-3-20 0 68 mujahida01 2024-3-20 20:46:43
北美精算师考试Exam P指定教材,A First Course in Probability (10th) attachment 灌水吧 ssslxx 2024-3-12 0 138 ssslxx 2024-3-12 11:52:23
签到 坛友说 zsx435 2024-2-17 0 0 zsx435 2024-2-17 05:46:42
Maria Dolores Ugarte-Probability and Statistics with R第2 版习题答案 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) 2023Hua 2024-2-6 1 190 loftygift 2024-2-6 21:13:29
Frank Beichelt-Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes第2版习题答案 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) 2023Hua 2024-2-6 1 171 Lamarr-202110 2024-2-6 21:00:36
A Probability Path (Resnick) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 qiu_jierr 2024-1-16 18 1339 xiaoguzu 2024-1-18 21:11:03
STATA中查各分布对应的临界值及各检验统计值对应p值 Stata专版 R2D 2024-1-9 1 654 newfei188 2024-1-9 18:33:58
Introduction to Probability, 2nd Edition attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 alexlee895 2024-1-4 0 258 alexlee895 2024-1-4 23:04:55
Introduction to Probability Models Thirteenth Edition by Sheldon M. Ross attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 kukenghuqian 2023-12-22 23 1260 miragew 2024-1-3 19:27:21
Jim Pitman-Probability习题答案,概率论 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) 2023Hua 2023-12-26 1 119 2025Li 2023-12-26 09:32:05
阅读 | 能不能用数学解释下“为什么耳机老打结”? 外语学习 杨明凡 2023-12-23 1 134 xujingjun 2023-12-25 10:09:19
David Applebaum - Probability and Information第2版习题答案 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) 2023Hua 2023-12-24 1 127 Rona-2028 2023-12-24 12:57:41
概率论导论习题答案/Henk Tijms Probability: A Lively Introduction attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) 2023Hua 2023-12-24 1 143 2025Li 2023-12-24 12:49:15
基于R概率与统计学习题答案/Michael Akritas Probability and Statistics with R attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) 2025Li 2023-12-20 0 85 2025Li 2023-12-20 13:57:38

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