人大经济论坛 标签 earning 相关帖子

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[免费分享2020年新书]Advances in Deep Learning-Springer attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 quetal 2020-6-12 3 1606 benji427 2021-1-15 15:19:36
Introduction to Deep Learning深度学习 attach_img 机器学习 hopui2017 2020-5-15 1 1289 zhou_yl 2020-10-4 18:39:12
[2020新书] Machine Learning with Python for Eeveryone attach_img python论坛 ckevinit 2020-6-6 10 2095 cometwx 2020-8-15 14:25:08
【经管下午茶】[经典]--《苦难的时代》(Time on the Cross) attach_img 爱问频道 柳新~ 2020-5-7 3 1329 maodongjun 2020-6-25 11:19:17
别拿你的人生和别人的比较 外语学习 杨明凡 2020-6-12 1 866 futurejay 2020-6-17 21:24:38
Beginning Anomaly Detection Using Python-Based Deep Learning attach_img python论坛 jingjuan1997 2020-6-11 2 1175 benji427 2020-6-17 07:17:29
加油 坛友说 cloris1022 2020-6-13 0 80 cloris1022 2020-6-13 02:04:25
悬赏 Learning from arbitrage - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 leosong 2020-6-10 3 408 bkm006 2020-6-10 22:59:09
天鼎证券:股市指标有哪些? 宏观经济学 冬冬dddddd 2020-6-8 0 666 冬冬dddddd 2020-6-8 11:20:56
学习。。。 坛友说 剪刀手1990 2020-6-4 0 102 剪刀手1990 2020-6-4 19:43:17
悬赏 A Network and Machine Learning Approach to Factor - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 waterup 2020-6-4 0 365 waterup 2020-6-4 11:31:39
加油 坛友说 cloris1022 2020-6-3 0 52 cloris1022 2020-6-3 02:35:30
加油 坛友说 cloris1022 2020-6-2 0 121 cloris1022 2020-6-2 02:07:50
加油 坛友说 cloris1022 2020-5-31 0 206 cloris1022 2020-5-31 04:55:17
2020-05-30 sat 坛友说 mrjinok 2020-5-30 0 91 mrjinok 2020-5-30 07:46:09
加油 坛友说 cloris1022 2020-5-29 0 103 cloris1022 2020-5-29 02:46:15
深度学习deep learning 中文版 attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 xgdlc2011 2020-5-22 2 1127 薇沁似漾 2020-5-27 09:39:24
Statistical Learning Theory 坛友说 leejwen 2020-5-18 0 178 leejwen 2020-5-18 22:59:18
【学习笔记】federal learning值得关注 学道会 猫头鹰1990 2020-5-16 0 505 猫头鹰1990 2020-5-16 11:00:13
【学习笔记】Learning type adjustment process 学道会 2021_1581992053 2020-5-6 0 248 2021_1581992053 2020-5-6 16:16:02

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