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accumulation 2015-3-18 09:48
英语: 《新东方考研英语词根+联想记忆法》 俞敏洪 《英语阅读理解150篇》 张剑 《历年真题解析》 张剑 政治: 《考研政治大纲解析》 教育部 《任汝芬一》 《任汝芬二》 《任汝芬四》 《风中劲草核心考点》 《风中劲草练习题》 《风中劲草练习题解析》 《风中劲草预测题》 《风中劲草时事政治20题》 《2011年考研时事政治热点透析》高浩峰 高教出版 金融学综合: 《公司理财》罗斯 《罗斯公司理财笔记和课后习题详解》金圣才 (第七版) 《金融学》黄达 复试除了以上两门课,还包括: 《证券投资学》吴晓求 人大出版 《商业银行业务与经营》庄毓敏 人大出版 经济学综合能力测试: 逻辑:《MBA逻辑精点》赵鑫全 数学:《高等数学》同济大学出版 《线性代数》清华大学出版 《概率论与数理统计》 浙大编写 高教出版 《线性代数辅导讲义》李永乐 《概率论与数理统计》李永乐 《高等数学辅导讲义》李永乐 写作:赵鑫全写作讲义
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分享 考研英语
accumulation 2015-3-18 07:22
★ 热车bar0了 ★ : 真题我在图书馆用过许多本,有的选择题答案居然不一样,果断信黄皮书的。而且黄皮书有对题目的翻译,有对每一条选项的解析,这是很重要的。有的参考书没有翻译题目,在对题干有争议的时候,谈何选择呢? 陈正康的真题很好用,答案都做的不错。他还有翻译和完型的1994-2004真题,小小的一本册子,就算年代久远,真题总是比模拟题好。 单词书我用过一笑而过,具有趣味性,记得快,好多难词用他的方法记都很容易。但是词汇量不大,很多考研词汇都没有。 由于报了培训班,就一直用了考试虫单词书,是顺序的,没有他吹的那么好,挺一般的。 顺序单词书的优点是长得像的单词都在一起,可以辨析记忆。乱序单词书的优点是打乱顺序,不像顺序的,时间长了你记住的不是单词的意思,而是这个位置的单词的意思。海文的单词书我也翻过,分级的,高频词在一块,简单词在一块,减少了很多记at,the,face这些简单词的时间。但是要注意有些简单词的熟词僻义很重要,考研最爱考。 黄皮书的阅读题我一战时做基础版的,二战做题高版的,发现很多文章都是重复的,所以不必要两本都买。而且这些文章年代久远,很多都是零几年的文章。因此我推测,这些英语阅读的书顶多每年更新几篇文章,大体内容是不变的。如果你预算不多的话,去跳蚤市场买学长们没用过的的往年阅读,没必要追求一定是今年的新书。 英语不是一口气练成的,真题很重要,单词很重要,每日坚持练习很重要。
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分享 考研英语
accumulation 2015-3-18 07:21
★ 乌龟向前冲冲冲 ★ : 英语作文一定要早就开始锻炼这种能力,考前突击背模版个人感觉不好,一,自己心里没底,二,也许你背的模版压根用不上,练习基本的写作能力真的很重要。 ★ 水慕鱼儿 ★ : 历年真题是必要的,反复研究,自己详细分析之后看黄皮书。写作高分突破值得推荐,素材丰富,练习丰富(今年的作文题有与它的一篇练习很像,只是可惜我之前没加以重视)。老J长难句也挺不错。朱伟作文…我觉得也就一般,比较难借鉴。阅读150 ,其实没什么必要,前期用来拓宽知识面还是可以的。 ★ 浅笑明眸 ★ : 从暑假开始,每天下午雷打不动的看英语,暑假期间把1997到2004年的英语阅读全部翻译一遍,不做题,只是翻译不会的单词查出来,写在笔记本上,暑假结束,满满的一本子不认识的单词,开学后继续阅读,是05到12的(13.14留在考前半个月用 )翻译完了后,就开始做05到12 的真题,错的那叫一个悲剧,做完一遍后开始研究第二遍,期间穿插着新题型的训练,也是做真题,反正没用过模拟,全程一直真题。 ★ 我要去人大经院 ★ : 考研真相的真题解析好像比黄皮书弱点儿,但是个人觉得解析的还算到位。最重要的是其中每篇阅读里的好句子它都会教你怎么用在写作里,个人很喜欢这点~~ 作文书的话一般,用来看小作文格式不错,亮点是会有考生作文评析,你就大约可以知道哪个分数段大约是怎么样的水平。 ★ 清欢a ★ : 说实话,考研真相真心是一本很好很好很好的书,特别是对于我这种基础不是很好的,什么水平呢,大概是高考英语120 分左右吧。考研英语很难,我现在还是觉得很难,我觉得一定一定一定要背单词,但是说实话,我个人觉得抱一本大大的单词书每个都背不太现实,而且也很少有人能够坚持背完,反倒是被那些单词把英语的动力磨没了。单词直接背历年真题里面的词就行了,我觉得考研真相这本书对我的帮助很大,基本没用别的资料,整张英语卷子的复习都来源于这儿。另外作文我用的是新东方的,但是最后冲刺阶段还是用的何凯文的作文班的讲义。 ★ 大侠wang21 ★ : 单词书强烈建议看恋练有词,这本书的单词排序用的是词根、词缀,每个词都有16年真题里的一个真题的句子,而且词与词之间有关联,背起来更舒服,背单词的同时就是看阅读,就是做翻译,多合一,同时建议学英语的研友们在准备一个电子词典,因为学习时碰到的生词会多到令人发指,一遍遍翻词典不仅慢,还弄出翻书声太吵。写作的话,王江涛的作文书是经典了,好好看,大小作文都可以有提高。阅读就看张剑的黄皮150篇(其实并没有那么多),熟悉做题套路和技巧。还是觉得报了那个新东方在线的课挺实用的,尤其是新题型和整个考试做题战略上,都有收获,推荐给大家。 最后友情提示:对于辅导班,我觉得报了,而且有收获,就推荐给大家,考研确实也拼物质方面的投入,辅导班的价值在于提供了好的方法和正确的复习方向,自己下苦功是必须的,如果配合推荐的书和辅导班,相信会事半功倍,若复习时间比较充足,看透以上参考书,应付考试同样没有问题。 ★ 依水蓝天 ★ : 词汇始终是基本,如果背单词,一定要每天坚持,而且有时候可以适当的联系与之有关的搭配,在写作上可以用的上。我选的是黄皮书附带的那本单词本,大概80多页,每天坚持,背完了再反复。然后每天做点阅读理解,也是黄皮书的基础篇,看到不认识的单词用记录本记下来,每天抽一点时间看看;也可以做做1987年至2004 年的英语真题,相对来说比较简单;到了后期开始做《新东方考研历年真题》,要系统的做。 ★ 小四nn ★ : 个人认为,英语考试中考试者的单词量和语感举足轻重!一方面,单词量的累积直接决定了你的阅读速度和对全文的把握能力;另一方面,语感决定了你做题时的答案正确率和写作效率。从以上两点出发,背单词是长期且艰巨的任务,单词书我推荐的是《新东方考研英语词汇(乱序版)》,怎么用就不再赘述了。 在复习辅导书上,我比较了黄皮书,绿皮书(新东方的)和《考研真相》,得出结论,《考研真相》的知识点总结更加详细,语法和翻译分析我比较喜欢。它适用于英语基础不好的人,也有助于英语水平中上的人的提高。 《考研真相》的内容是一整套完整的真题试卷紧接着是答案和答案分析及范文分析。这样方便你先控制时间把整套试卷做一遍再对答案。它会分为上下册,用2015年的书举例,上册主要是04到10年的真题及真题分析,下册是11年到13的真题及真题分析。下册最好留到考研前两周用于模拟自测。 在英语复习中,不能忽视的环节就是阅读练习。个人建议每天将1篇完型+4篇深度阅读+1篇排序阅读按照考试用时比例限时完成,既能深化阅读理解能力,融会贯通《考研真相》的阅读技巧,又能培养语感。《石春祯英语阅读理解220篇》分为基础篇和提高篇,难度比考研高一点,阅读原文来源和历年真题题源一致。自己规划好两本书的完成时间。当然,不能紧紧把两本书当做练习题,它们也是很好的复习教材,值得花心思去啃。若在有时间,可以用下黄皮书。(我的黄皮书都是同学给的,没怎么用)说到作文不建议整篇都照搬模板,得分不高。平时可利用早读和晚读时间反复背诵《星火英语考研范文》,不求句句熟练,但求心中有写作纲要和语感。
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分享 以前的英语阅读笔记
yezhiyu 2012-11-25 21:03
1. The amount of food that is wasted represents a gigantic stack of 100 bills. Both in rich countries and poor, a staggering 30-50% of all food produced rots away uneaten 2. Milk and vegetables spoil in transit 主动形式 3. Food processors and retailers use modern silos (粮仓) , proper trucks and refrigeration—the very things the rural poor lack. 4. The first-ever credit downgrade of the U.S. left Wall Street and Washington struggling to come to grips with a new world order. 美国信用评级首次下调致使美国金融市场(华尔街)和美国ZF(华盛顿)紧急着手应对新的世界秩序。 5. This will bolster (foster) Google’s puny ( trivial ) arsenal of around 2,000 patents, hugely strengthening its position in current and future legal battles with its more heavily armed industry rivals. 6. it has been so watered down(discount) that it will fail to make much difference. 7. In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. 8. according to a judicial explanation issued by China's Supreme People's Court. 9. A math curriculum that focused on real-life problems would still expose students to the abstract tools of mathematics, especially the manipulation of unknown quantities 10. Traditionalists will object that the standard curriculum teaches valuable abstract reasoning, even if the specific skills acquired are n ot immediately useful in later life. 11. However, years of exhortation have failed to persuade most of those affected actually to do this 12. In particular, it is much harder to shift surplus lard once it has accumulated than it is to avoid putting it on in the first place. 13. It also accounts for baseline characteristics that differ from person to person 14. The lesson, then, is to stay, rather than become, slim. Not easy, in a world whose economic imperative is to satisfy every appetite, but perhaps a little more urgent now Dr Hall has put numbers on it 15. China's railway system, after increasing the speeds of trains six times since 1997 and opening more   high-speed rail lines in recent years, has hit the brakes. 16. In the words of Lee Kuan Yew, former prime minister of Singapore and a keen advocate of Asian values, the Chinese family encouraged “scholarship and hard work and thrift and deferment of present enjoyment for future gain”. 17. That can no longer be taken for granted. The decline of marriage is also c ontributing to the collapse in the birth rate 18. Yuan Longping , China's leading agricultural scientist , realized one of his 80th birthday wishes recently when his super grain brought yields of 13.9 tons of rice a hectare , setting a new world record for rice output. crossbreeding (杂交育种)的技术,在现有的 arable land (耕地)不足的情况下 19. 『大学学位不再保证衣食无忧的生活。』  Angst for the educated 20. most also believe that spending three or four years at university—and accumulating huge debts in the process—will boost their chances of landing a well-paid and secure job 21. Computers can not only perform repetitive mental tasks much faster than human beings. They can also empower amateurs to do what professionals once did: why hire a flesh-and-blood accountant to complete your tax return when Turbotax (a software package) will do the job at a fraction of the cost 22. Just as Adam Smith’s factory managers broke the production of pins into 18 components, so companies are increasingly breaking the production of brain-work into ever tinier slices 。 the application of the division of labour to brain-work 23. Report shows average take-home pay is £ 1 , 212 lower than it was at the end of 2008 , once inflation has been taken into account. inflationary pressure (通胀压力)。实际工资 shrink (缩水),加上 price hikes (物价上涨),一般家庭的 housing spending (家庭支出)增加了, living standard (生活标准)随之下降,而这又造成新的 economic stagnation (经济疲软),如此一来,陷入了一个 vicious cycle (恶性循环)当中。 24. with the proliferation ( fertilization offspring ) of social media, teachers and students have greater access to one's personal history than ever before I do agree that it should be monitored but they shouldn't be cut off completely 25. It's always sobering to see giant steps backward where we once again confuse one tool for problems that are actually bigger societal problems." 26. Three of the six major studios axed subsidiaries that had specialised in buying independent films 。 Actors’ salaries remain depressed, and indies have become expert at exploiting competition between states and countries, which lavish subsidies on them 27. Researchers have long known that the brain links kinds of new facts, related or not, when they are learned about the same time. Just as the taste of a cookie and tea can start a cascade1 of childhood memories , so a recalled bit of history homework can bring to mind a math problem. 28. A new pilot study shows that eating right, exercising and reducing stress may help keep chronic diseases at bay by switching on beneficial genes, including tumor-fighters, and silencing those that trigger malignancies and other ills 。 Genes may be our predisposition, but they are not our fate 29. In addition to downing healthier fare, the men also walked or worked out at least 30 minutes six days a week; did an hour of daily stress-reducing yoga-type stretching, breathing and meditation; and participated in one-hour weekly group support sessions 30.   Nashville, Tennessee, is still reeling from several bookstore closings, including a Borders and the more beloved Davis-Kidd. It is truly irritating now that middle-class incomes are stagnant and students are struggling to find good jobs. Hence a flurry of new thinking about higher education. Veteran university-watchers may dismiss Mr Fried’s ideas as pie in the sky 。 squeeze costs. SITTING in the office of an Indian boss when the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) raises interest rates with an unexpectedly aggressive jerk, things get a little tense 。 ”. Asked if this means that private-sector investment in India, already weak, will take a lurch down, he shrugs: “Of course.” 31. The evolution of generosity : Welcome, stranger   慷慨行为的进化历程:欢迎你,陌生人 THE extraordinary success of Homo sapiensis a result of four things: intelligence, language, an ability to manipulate objects dexterouslyin order to make tools, and co-operation. Over the decades the anthropologicalspotlight has shifted from one to another of these as the prime moverof the package, and thus the fundament of the human condition. Deeply ingrained in the species’s psychology 32. After a certain amount of time the agents reproduced in proportion to their accumulated fitness; the old generation died, and the young took over. The process was then repeated for 10,000 generations to see what level of collaboration would emerge 33. People fess up to invented misdemeanours(misdeeds). Admittedly these confessions are taking place in a laboratory rather than an interrogation room, so the stakes might not appear that high to the confessor. Though a lot of jurisdictions require corroborating evidence, in practice s elf-condemnation is pretty damning—and, it seems, surprisingly easy to induce 34. Pocket skills are skills that are needed in all workplaces, such as thinking skill and communications skill, no matter what industry you are in. For instance, thinking skill may help you quickly get the main idea of a report, point out the drawbacks and offer your advice for improvement; and when there is a disagreement or conflict, your communications skill may enable you to deal with it. 35. Courtesy call is a sugarcoated term used by telemarketers which really means sales call. This is one of the most deceitful and misleading phrases ever since there is nothing courteous about it 36. How a Mother's Love May Counter the Negative Health Effects of Poverty Growing up poor is stressful, and chronic stress is known to impact physical health long term. gauge how nurturing those parents were in childhood. " , Cortisol changes the way glucose is regulated. It changes insulin sensitivity and glucose production , There are effects on blood vessels, on how elastic they are and on retention of fat in the abdominal cavity. Inflammation also plays a role." a state of high vigilance and mistrust goes hand-in-hand with elevated stress hormone levels 37. A new analysis of the temperature record leaves little room for the doubters. The world is warming To most scientists, that is consistent with the manifold other indicators of warming—rising sea-levels, melting glaciers, warmer ocean depths and so forth—and convincing. Extrapolating a global average from such data involves an amount of tinkering—or homogenisation 38. Your chair is your enemy. It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting — in your car, your office chair, on your sofa at home — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and an early death. 椅子其实是你的敌人。就算你每天早晨都坚持跑步,或者定期去健身房锻炼;只要你每天大部分时间都是坐着的,不管是在车里、办公室座椅或者家里的沙发上,你就是在把自己推向肥胖、糖尿病、心脏病、各类癌症以及早亡的危险。 39. Find the Hidden Colors of Autumn Leaves Have you ever wondered why leaves change from green to an amazing array of yellow, orange and red during the fall? Leaves get their brilliant colors from pigments made up of various size, color-creating molecules 40. Women smoking have overtaken men Women smoking - they've overtaken men in the habit in the north east partly because of influences on girls which are 'more insidious than mere peer pressure'. the tobacco industry has had a large part to play in encouraging more women to take up smoking by perpetuating the myth of smoking as glamorous, risqué and a form of defiance 41. Hailing the Google bus Internet penetration rates in the developing world continue to lag far behind those of the west, to create, organise, distribute and deliver relevant and useful information related to government programs and services to the people at large 42. Unmarried black women : Down or out The collapse of marriage among blacks is well documented , but not the sexual, psychological, emotional and social toll this has taken on black women. As these women rise into the middle class, the men stay in the lower class, becoming less compatible. Even black men who nominally commit to one woman are five times as likely as their white counterparts to have others on the side. But by far the most common reason seems to be that black women still regard intermarriage as tantamount to betraying the race. “My black heart,” says one black woman as she contemplates marrying out, “I would need to turn it in.” “We know it’s a struggle,” says another, “but we women got to stand by the black man. If we don’t, who will?” 43. The Stress of Divorce, Writ on Women's Heads In men, baldness is due mostly to an unlucky roll of the genetic dice. But in women, hair loss appears to be linked much more strongly to lifestyle factors like stress — from divorce or the death of a spouse, for example — according to preliminary findings from two studies any differences could be attributed to environmental factors 。 In the end, I am a big proponent of the idea that it's how you handle the stress that can make a difference 。 The mind-and-body connection is incredibly powerful. It helps to try and keep perspective, put the big things that happen in life, the major milestones, in their place and keep an open mind. 44. Making the Monoculture access to information has exploded 。 THE proliferation of media, enabled by the internet and the new consumer devices that access it, has also driven the decentralization of media. 45. Facial monitoring : The all-telling eye IMAGINE browsing a website when a saucy ad for lingerie catches your eye. You don’t click on it, merely smile and go to another page. Yet it follows you, putting up more racy pictures, perhaps even the offer of a discount. Finally, irked by its persistence, you frown. “Sorry for taking up your time,” says the ad, and promptly desists from further pestering. Creepy. There is ample scope to deploy it in areas like security, computer gaming, education and health care. Add eye-movement tracking, hinting at which display ads were overlooked and which were studied for any period of time, and the approach offers precisely the sort of quantitative data brand managers yearn for. 46. Rebuilding the American dream machine One of the more unlikely offices to have been flooded with mail is that of the City University of New York (CUNY), a public college that lacks, among other things, a famous sports team, bucolic campuses and raucous parties (it doesn't even have dorms), and, until recently, academic credibility. 47. Here be dragons critics suggest it has betrayed its own motto - “don't be evil” - by agreeing to censor certain sites 。 created to skirt state censors. This will speed up service for mainland users, who otherwise must penetrate the great firewall of China, which dramatically slows down access to Google.com 。 . Although the disclosure is more prominent on these western sites, putting such a message on its Chinese site is an important step towards transparency and, furthermore, is something its rivals do not do. 48. Bull in the China Shop The Obama administration is welcoming China's presumptive next leader, Xi Jinping. But how can it make good policy when the strategy is a mess? Biden had a good rapport with X i, thus priming the U.S. vice president to add the China mandate to his portfolio. As the first leader without the blessing of China's revolutionary generation (it cannot bless from the grave), Xi will likely be as risk-averse as Hu and more beholden to consensus within the Politburo Standing Committee, more deferential to the People's Liberation Army, and less likely to undertake liberal reforms given current social conditions. U.S. leaders will have made progress if they can put candor before niceties. The aim of containment is to hold the line on a status quo -- a liberalizing Asia -- that has provided decades of peace and prosperity. National security officials work to balance China's power while economic officials try to deepen engagement. Somebody needs to orchestrate the cacophony. 49. Equities resilient despite Athens uncertainty Renewed uncertainty over the outlook for Greece made for a nervous session in the markets, although global equities displayed some resilience and oil prices climbed to multi-month highs. 50. Inquiry hears of ‘corrupt culture’ at UK paper Britain’s most popular daily tabloid, The Sun, had a culture of corrupt payments to a network of public officials which was authorised at a senior level, the police officer leading a police inquiry into bribery by journalists told a public inquiry yesterday. 51. German experts volunteer for tax mission to Greece Around 160 German tax collection experts have volunteered to go to Greece to help combat widespread tax evasion in a move that risks reigniting tensions between Berlin and Athens. International lenders are ratcheting up pressure on Athens to curb tax evasion, estimated at
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