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分享 量子金融
accumulation 2015-3-28 09:34
Foreword Preface Acknowledgments 1 Synopsis 2 Introduction to finance 3 Derivative securities 4 Hamiltonians and stock options 5 Path integrals and stock options 6 Stochastic interest rates' Hamiltonians and path integrals 7 Quantum field theory of forward interest rates 8 Empirical forward interest rates and field theory models 9 Field theory of Treasury Bonds' derivatives and hedging 10 Field theory Hamiltonian of forward interest rates 11 Conclusions Brief glossary of financial terms Brief glossary of physics terms List of main symbols References Index
个人分类: 金融工程|0 个评论
分享 Introductory Econometrics for Finance
accumulation 2015-3-11 01:10
5 Univariate time series modelling and forecasting 206 5.1 Introduction 206 5.2 Some notation and concepts 207 5.3 Moving average processes 211 5.4 Autoregressive processes 215 5.5 The partial autocorrelation function 222 5.6 ARMA processes 223 5.7 Building ARMA models: the Box--Jenkins approach 230 5.8 Constructing ARMA models in EViews 234 5.9 Examples of time series modelling in finance 239 5.10 Exponential smoothing 241 5.11 Forecasting in econometrics 243 5.12 Forecasting using ARMA models in EViews 256 5.13 Estimating exponential smoothing models using EViews 258
个人分类: 金融学|0 个评论
分享 Introductory Econometrics for Finance
accumulation 2015-3-11 01:00
2.10 A special type of hypothesis test: the t-ratio 65 2.11 An example of the use of a simple t-test to test a theory in finance: can US mutual funds beat the market? 67 2.12 Can UK unit trust managers beat the market? 69 2.13 The overreaction hypothesis and the UK stock market 71 2.14 The exact significance level 74 2.15 Hypothesis testing in EViews -- example 1: hedging revisited 75 2.16 Estimation and hypothesis testing in EViews -- example 2: the CAPM 77 Appendix: Mathematical derivations of CLRM results 81 3 Further development and analysis of the classical linear regression model 88 3.1 Generalising the simple model to multiple linear regression 88 3.2 The constant term 89 3.3 How are the parameters (the elements of the β vector) calculated in the generalised case? 91 3.4 Testing multiple hypotheses: the F-test 93 3.5 Sample EViews output for multiple hypothesis tests 99 3.6 Multiple regression in EViews using an APT-style model 99 3.7 Data mining and the true size of the test 105 3.8 Goodness of fit statistics 106 3.9 Hedonic pricing models 112 3.10 Tests of non-nested hypotheses 115 Appendix 3.1: Mathematical derivations of CLRM results 117 Appendix 3.2: A brief introduction to factor models and principal components analysis 120
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分享 各位人大学子们注意啦~美国哥伦比亚大学申请成功案例分享会火热报名中!
和君留学 2012-6-25 17:04
作为一名 新海归给即将奔赴美国留学的童鞋们一个交流信息吧 ~ 希望能给申请学校而纠结的童鞋们一点帮助吧 ~ 想去哥伦比亚的同学们都做好准备了吗?申请哥伦比亚是否有捷径呢?不妨抽出一点背单词的时间去听听学长学姐们的成功经验吧 ~ 讲座时间:(具体地点在报名后通知) 6 月 26 日(星期二),中国人民大学校内 6 月 27 日(星期三),中央财经大学校内 6 月 28 日(星期四),首都经济贸易大学校内 6 月 29 日(星期五),对外经济贸易大学校内 报名方式: 电话预约:( 010 ) 8410-8901 短信预约:发送 “ 姓名 - 学校 - 专业 - 年级 ” 到 158-1115-8308 对哥伦比亚大学商学院感兴趣的同学们赶紧去学校和商学院网站上看看吧 ~ 哥伦比亚大学商学院坐落于世界金融中心 纽约,依其独特优势与华尔街等金融界保持密切的联系。商学院现有会计,决策、风险及实施操作,金融与经济,企业管理及市场营销等研究方向。哥伦比亚有好多领域具有不可比拟的优势: finance, international business, ealestate, media management, entrepreneurship 等等。其最大的价值在于它的课程和现实紧密结合(它的强项就是纽约的支柱产业)。
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分享 Research Papers in Economics
BEconF 2012-5-18 09:47
Re search P apers in Ec onomics General principles RePEc ( Re search P apers in Ec onomics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 75 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers. The collected data is then used in various services as described below. So far, over 1400 archives from 75 countries have contributed about 1.2 million research pieces from 1,500 journals and 3,300 working paper series. Over 30,000 authors have registered and 70,000 email subscriptions are served every week. See below on how you can be part of this initiative. RePEc servicesThe following are services that use ( principle ) and contribute RePEc data. They also report usage statistics that can be used towards the RePEc rankings . RePEc Author Service Author registration and maintenance of a profile on RePEc. Munich Personal RePEc Archive Authors in institutions lacking a participating RePEc archive can submit their papers to MPRA and get them included in the RePEc database. IDEAS The complete RePEc database at your disposal. Browse or search it all. EconPapers Economics at your fingertips. EconPapers provides access to all of RePEc. Browsing and searching available. EconAcademics.org Blog aggregator for discussion about economics research. Economists Online Economists Online showcases some of the world's leading institutions, their scholars and their academic publications and datasets. NEP New Economics Papers is a free email notification service for new downloadable working papers from over 90 specific fields. Archives are also available. EDIRC Directory of Economics institutions, with links to their members and publications listed on RePEc RePEc Plagiarism Committee An effort to curtail plagiarism of RePEc contents. LogEc Detailed download and access statistics for RePEc items and authors. CitEc Citation analysis from items in the RePEc database. CollEc Rankings by co-authorship centrality for authors registered in the RePEc Author Service. SPZ An online workplace for researchers, tutors and students within the RePEc information space. Socionet A Russian (and Russian language) implementation of the RePEc method and database as the collective information environment for the social sciences. Database customization and filtration by a "personal information robot". Additional websites using RePEcThe RePEc bibliographic data is in the public domain and thus used by other services as well. The following are the ones we know of, and unfortunately none report usage statistics back to LogEc . EconLit EconStor Google Scholar Inomics Microsoft Academic Search OAISter/WORLDCAT Scirus Sciverse Getting information into RePEcThe basic principle is that publishers index their content themselves into RePEc. They host the metadata on their http or ftp site, following the Guildford Protocol , which indicates how the metadata archive should be structured. Then, the syntax of the metadata template syntax is guided by ReDIF , the Research Documents Information Format. If you intend to contribute information about your publications to RePEc, you may read the above documents or use these step-by-step instructions or sample templates . The same instructions apply for commercial publishers or research institutes. RePEc archive maintainers may also make good use of the template syntax and link checker , of tips and tricks and the FAQ . Contributing archivesOver 1,400 RePEc archives currently participate, and basic statistics for content and recorded traffic can be viewed at LogEc . Thelargest contributing RePEc archives are: Elsevier Wiley Blackwell AgEcon Search (US) Springer Federal Reserve System (Fed) in Print (USA) Taylor Francis Journals National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER, USA) Cambridge University Press Programme National Persée (France) Oxford University Press Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA, Germany) NEREUS: Economists Online Archive WOPEBI (Canada) University of Chicago Press ECONSTOR (ZBW, Germany) DEGREE (Netherlands) American Economic Association (USA) Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Hyper Articles en Ligne (France) Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR, UK) Palgrave Macmillan CESifo (Germany) EconWPA (USA) International Monetary Fund (IMF) S-WoPEc (Sweden) MIT Press Pion Ltd M.E. Sharpe Publishers IZA (Germany) World Bank eumed.net University of California eScholarship Repository (USA) DotEc (Colombia) Econometrica Berkeley Electronic Press journals RePEc Input Service WoPEc (non-UK) WIFO (Austria) Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Cairn World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. DIW Berlin (Germany) Inter-American Development Bank Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Iowa State Department of Economics (USA) Economic Journal (UK) Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Austria) Boston College Economics (USA) ArXiv.org Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté des Sciences Sociales, Politiques et économiques (Belgium) TU Darmstadt - Publications Repository (Germany) VolunteersRePEc is entirely based on the contributions of volunteers: Maintainers of RePEc archives, editors at NEP and MPRA , and those who run the various RePEc services. If you want to get involved check out our volunteer opportunities or contact any member of the RePEc team . RePEc emerged from the NetEc group , created in 1992, which received support for its WoPEc project between 1996-1999 by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the UK Higher Education Funding Councils, as part of its Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib). RePEc was created in June 1997 to decentralize the work done by WoPEc and thus make it independent of grant needs. RePEc is then guaranteed to remain free for all parties. ContactsEach RePEc service has contact details; for any question, please email them. For general enquiries about RePEc, in particular to open a RePEc archive , contact Kit Baum or Christian Zimmermann .
个人分类: economics|21 次阅读|0 个评论

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